So...Here we go again

As some of you know I’ve murdered my last…let’s see 6-7 sprouts-seedlings in the last month or so. Totally a newbie. Anyway my FF Happy Frog was delivered today and my last 3 seeds (Fastbud LSD-25 auto), 1 has a sprout like 1/4" after 24 hours in a glass of water with 2 drops of peroxide then into paper towels another 24. 2 more seeds in glass with 2 drops peroxide for 24 hours then into paper towels. Now gonna pour my FFHP out and pick through to get all the furniture out then mix with a good portion or perlite into solo cup, water in, let drain, place the seeds, sprout (pointy side of seed) down under a 32w CFL in my white bathtub (we never use it).
What could I possibly be missing???
@Hellraiser @Eagles009
Please tag others who might like to make fun of my failures. LOL


Everything sounds good to me, I’m pretty noob myself. Have two tents with plants and these are my first. The only thing that jumps out at me is you watering the solo cup to runoff. Sounds like a lot of water to me. However, the smallest pot I’ve started in is a one gallon. I certainly would not and did not water it to run off. I just poured a little water. Then got in their with my hands to even spread out the moisture in the top two or three inches. Everything below that was as it comes out of the bag. That soil might be hot for seedlings too. I know one of those ff soils is but I’m not sure which. How deep you planting these seeds. 1/2 - 1/4 " with light sprinkle of dirt on top works for me.

I haven’t dropped my seeds yet, so my not water till runoff. And the first seedlings I started were in FF Ocean, the HP is not supposed to be as hot. If this fails, gonna order my seeds and some Promix BX. Seems a lot of good growers here use it. Was trying to cheat on the nutes a little but with my record prolly the way I need to go. My wife says before I can get a tent she needs to see better progress :grin:


Lol once you get it figured out she will get on board. These plants are amazing once they kick into gear at a couple weeks old.

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If I can do it you can do it. I have never grown anything from seed before this. Had a couple house plants thats it.

I read and followed a lot of good advice. there are several go to walk through journals on here. -THIS is one and @Hellraiser along with several others have been a huge help. There are many methods so find one that works for your OR find one that always works for someone else and copy it. Good luck Ill be watching! ALso just keep studying research is key.


how tall are those girls 4ft in a 7ft tent , It’s time for a scrog net ROTFLMAO. If you can keep their height under control ,do that .I just did my second feeding with the net up .Man it sucks

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Im doing one more watering out of the tent for old times sake then netting them. lol nets came today. wish it was 7 ft. 6’7" is what i am working with,so ya net time.

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What you have outlined here should work just fine, though I skip the paper towels and just go straight to soil in a plastic party cup after the 24 hour soak in water.


Should I dome now or after I see the seedling? Or should I dome at all?:thinking:

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Not really any need to dome before your seedling pops, unless you have problems with your soil drying quickly.

Edit: Didn’t notice this was a month old until after I replied.