Thanks for the tute y’all. I’ve got the 8 bag bubdude washer just waitin for my first run to finish out in the tent then its on. This will help immensely . thanks aagain!
Nice purchase! Your on your way to making some quality hash!
Bubble Hash may very well be the Worlds Most Perfect Weed !!!
Agreed! I absolutely love Hash… I get lazy about making it until I run out My last batch was so good. ILGM G13 but it smelled like a candy apple or something. The hash was an exceptional
Man @Thumper that sounds like pure bliss !!!
Ok so I ordered the bubblebags I’ll be using for my bubble hash. I’ll be running one gallon batches by hand. This is what I’ll be using.
Any thoughts? Any tips or pointers for doing this specifically by hand
I haven’t made it yet. Just bought the bubble bag machine and kit. It sounds like a lot of work with the machine, let alone without it. I think you can pick up a machine fairly cheap if you look around. Maybe I’m just lazy lol but I wouldn’t attempt without the machine.
I would use a beater or something if possible. I have used paint, drywall mixers giant stir sticks don’t over do it! You have to get a feel for it by hand. But that’s a cool kit for small batch and clean up. Layer up water and material then ice on top let it get super cold! Stir like He$$ if you have a sprayer at a sink that would be helpful to rinse down the sides of the bags. Same as a machine, but your the agitator!
I actually ordered a set of wooden cooking utensils
I figure these should be good. what do you think?
@Smokesdaily Howdy Growmie…I like making bubble…are these bags you ordered 1 gal. Bags ??? The smallest I’ve used are 5gal. size, that fit in a 5 gal bucket. At any rate., as Thumper was saying you really want to use either a drill or an electric mixer like you make a cake with , to really agitate the weed in the ice water bath. I don’t think the machine by itself does a thorough enough job. You don’t have to beat it for a long time but you want to really hammer it for a short time…if that makes sense…be careful not to get the bag caught in the mixer…you’ll do just fine and have some a##kicking hash to show for your work…good luck…Happy Hash Making
Quick question for anyone who knows, my trim was frozen fresh and live, do I need to grind it? It’s mostly popcorn and sugar leaves.
If I do need to grind it, I guess I would need to thaw it first and refreeze?
Also curious how much trim I can do at a time in the bubble dude machine?
Nope just crush it frozen , straight into an ice bath…BRrRrrr…thats cold…
U can put the hash powder in a parchment paper and fill a wine bottle with hott ass water and roll it on the parchment paper the heat transfers and helps me do it together into basically a temple balls or pick what ever u wanna make it into. Lol. Some take the powder and have a pill press that will make hash pucks but it takes quite some pressure to get it stuck together and to stay that way. A press and puck maker is usually required.
I believe it was @Retiredoldguy who made some of the hash puck press thingymajiggys
no not me
So my bubblebags arrived yesterday and I’m going to be making the bubble hash on jan 1st.
Can’t wait to see what you produce. Eagerly waiting…
I’ll drop pics of the finished product
Any reason to rehydrate if I’m using wet trim that was immediately frozen?