So for those of you who make bubble hash

Bubble hash can be an amazing thing if done correct.
Step number one is always get the supplies.

Water source. ‘Cold’
Agitation unit. (Machine or by hand)
Bubble bags.
Product. (Cannabis)
25u pressing screen.
Spoon & butter knife

Remember: You can’t start with grade C product a get grade A hash.

The next important thing you want to figure out is your soak and spin times. These very from person to person. This is what I have learned works best or me.

Fill the unit with the amount on product you want to wash. I fill the washer about half full. This allows room for a good amount of ice and water to be added. You want the product to be able to spin in a vortex motion. This is what will transport all the resin heads.

Time or the re-hydration process. Weird yes but very important.
Put a thick layer of ice over the product. This will help keep it submerged for now. Next fill the unit with ice cold water.
Let the product soak for about 30 minutes. This will allow the product to get down to feezing temps.
(You want the resin heads to be brittle and break off easily with very little agitation)

While the product is soaking take a look at your spin times. I wash each batch six times. Run number 2,3,4 seem to be the money batches :upside_down_face:

Once the re-hydration soak is complete it’s time to start washing. The first wash is the shortest o the six at 3:30 minutes. This is followed by a 5 minute rest period.
So turn the unit on agitation (not spin) for 3:30 minute. Always making sure the product is submerged in the slurry ice water mix. You want it to spin in a vortex motion. This spinning is what snaps off the resin heads and will allow them to be pulled to the bottom.

Once you have washed it for the correct amount of time turn the unit off and let everything settle for five minutes.
Now it’s time to empty the slurry of water. Open the drain valve and let the mixture drain through the bubble bags. I use a 220u —> 120u —> 73u.

The 220u is the first bag the water hits. This is the work bag. This is considered the work bag. You will not collect any hash from here. You will get some material from the unit on this screen. I simply put it back into the machine.
The second bag in line is the 120u. This is great or infusing joints or topping bowls.
The 73u is the product I prefer. Great rom making temple balls.

I made a system out of five gallon buckets that holds the bags about 4 inches off one another. This allows or quicker draining as the bags do not touch one another.

Once the water is drained out of the unit I close the drain valve. I fill the washer back up with water and ice and start the second wash. This time increasing the time slightly.

Now that the unit is washing again I can start to collect the product from the first wash.

I separate each bag buy pulling the five gallon buckets apart. I like to wash the product a second time by hand. This will wash out any little imperfections (plant material)

Let the product drip dry for a few minutes. Once most of the water is drained I pull the screen tight on top of the bucket. Kinda like a drum. This allows me to take a cold spoon and scrape the product off the screen.
I set the product on a small 25u clean screen. This is where I will collect all the finished product. Keeping the ‘two’ grades separated.

Thats run number 1. Solid work!

Repeat this another five times and boom, your first batch of bubble is done!! :v:

Once I have collected all six runs I will take the butter knife and chop the hash up real small. No micro planing here. Lol. Alittle chunky is I funky sometimes :upside_down_face:

I then set it in a dark room in the house or 7-14 days to allow it to naturally air dry.
It will oxidize over time and turn a darker black color. This is 100% fine.

Wow! Wait, where did the 25u bubble come from? Well you know all that greenish water you dumped out of the washer that collected in the tub at the bottom… well I go one step further and dump that in a larger 25u 35 gallon mesh bag. I save this product for cooking. I infuse butters and oils ect.

Once the bubble has completely been air dried it’s time to smoke the goodness. My preferred method is to simply put it on bowls. You know what they say, if it don’t bubble it ain’t worth the trouble.

(Bubble hash will degrade over time)

But wait…

Once the product is dried you can go one step further and turn it into temple balls. This requires you to basically heat the product up and knead it together. Decarboxylation is the name o the game now. But hey, that’s for another day

(Temple balls age over time and slightly get better)

I hope this helped clear up some areas o processing your product. Bubble hash is one of the cleanest and purest ways to process your product. 100% natural from start to finish.

Happy hashing… :owl: :evergreen_tree: :sun_with_face: :v: :upside_down_face: :man_farmer: