@Highgrow yeah, it’s some gross stuff for sure. @Bentstick I’m not really sure it’s a fungus perse, more like sticky shiney moss. There is moss all around me here. Outside. @Caligurl Yeah, I’ve thought all along that I was over watering, but everybody says coco this and coco that, water, water, and water some more. Thanks for the recommendation. I keep 2 dehumidifiers going in the tent and still can’t get the humidity below 55%. @Budbrother Thanks. I would never have admitted it before now, but when it gets bad I use the wet vac and suck some of the water out from the corners of the bags and lightly try to get some of it off the rest and then I will give them Cal Mag and then let them go for the weekend until the outside of the bags are dry. I’ve done this maybe 8-10x throughout this grow. It’s never happened before but this was my go round with the CoCo.
Thanks all of you guys for being so willing to help.
@Indacut eggsacally. Although @Low says not so much and now me too. And @Budbrother too. Idw forget him.
Anyways, I did report that one this evening and idk if it was rootrot or not, although the roots most definitely were not healthy. They were tan, brown, whatever color you wanna call it, and I do think it was root bound. If I had to name the things I’ve learned during this grow, the top five would be:
Anything can happen and because it can it will.
You do not need to water CoCo so much as is popular to say, maybe as often, idk, but not as much as I did.
3 or even 5 gallon bags are not big enough regardless of what the seed breeders may say. Because plants aren’t fish that cannot outgrow their tank. They are plants and they want to grow and they will regardless of what size bag they are in.
Out of 7 plants, I will forever have one that doesn’t make it. And finally…
I cannot grow a AutoFlower at all and will not be trying again. Now for what I can do with the
I want to do a coco run, but Promix works so well for me, I shouldn’t change anything, but love to master new stuff. I started in soil, but like the PM much better . I think you would do better sticking with photos instead of autos, they’re just too finicky.
Generally it’s hard to over do it in coco. At peak I like to get to 5x a day. However you have to be careful pushing too much too soon. If you push immature roots, there can be issues. And you have to take perlite ratio, humidity, and temps into consideration. when going after multiple feeds following the run off will tell you when it makes sense.
Nice roots
I agree with @Growdoc feel like autos can be great, or they can be a gamble.
The thing about it is that no matter how often or how much I watered, the EC was always out of whack and the pH was always 2 points less than what I put in. I Never got the numbers straightened out. After I’d flush them when the EC got over 2000, for a day they’d be good, the EC not the pH, then day 2 it’d be out of whack again. Idk? Like I say, never got it straightened out.
Next grow I should have my auto feeder how I want it so that at least however many I grow will get the same amount instead of some getting too much and others none at all. I only left it running for 3 days before I disassembled it. I have new emitters now. Still need like 3 T things cause I broke them. Hopefully that will make a difference.
@Low Hey Dude, were you being sarcastic about the roots? Because I thought they were supposed to be white? If you were, that’s cool. I just want to be clear.
I hope I didn’t kill it by upping its pot size at this late stage. I guess if I do, there was something wrong anyway and I was losing it already. I can always complete its harvest. Not a whole lot left on it at this point. I’d just like for what is left to go ahead and get bigger and let those trichs amber up some.
Coolie how. Thanks Low. They sure were bound up in there though. I had to use a long bread knife to clear them from the bag. I hope it survives. Have a great day.
Sorry, I’m late to the party. As far as your EC situation is concerned I’m still fairly certain your over feeding or your watering routine is off. once you started adding the time release fert stakes getting good readings will get tricky at best until till they are flushed out. I’m not sure how long that will take.
It’s perfectly normal for the roots to get tangled in the bag. Root bound is when the roots are tangled around each other and waded up against the pot. I have yet to see this happen with fabric pots because the roots air prune when they hit the side of the pot in stead of continuing to grow into a mass.
fabric bags are hard to transplant out of. They make transplant bags that have velcro down the side. I’ve also had good luck just cutting a slit in the side of the bags I had then I use a safety pin to pin the two sides together. It’s also worth noting that this late in flower the roots might not fill in the new pot, but the 7 gal will hold more water so you will need to adjust your watering routine to compensate.
The roots dont seem to have the typical over watered look, mushy(from it looks like) and black or discolored looking. I’m with @low roots look good. Do you remember while back somewhere along the line, you said once you started adding in all the math and numbers things got crazy. I still 100% agree with that. I also use soil so it’s not same I guess because you need all that with coco. I had convo with someone about numbers and runoff and this go around I’m only checking PH and not stressing the other stuff and I’m a lot better off. The hiccups I have had, I actually had a idea of why and what happen. Ive gained more control. I also been writing everything down and I think thats helped me a lot too. @Growdoc I havent tried photos yet but I’m starting to share the same sentiment about autos being finkey.
@Indacut For me the big thing about getting the EC I put in, is that if you don’t you are using way too much Nutes. Like for example; At end of flower when you use the recommended amount of each of the nutes you’re using, once mixed and based on the EC, you water your mix down 4x. That’s a considerable amount from a financial standpoint. It’s a different amount through each stage but is mostly a 50/50, meaning your mixed nutes made into 2 batches. Does that make sense? When I mix For late veg the mix is at like 1.90, I don’t recall exactly, but you are to put only 1.2-1.5, so you water the 190 down until it’s 1.3 which makes 5g into 10g. See? That’s substantial.
Which brings me to @Gl1tch . The whole grow with my watering, I treated it like a new puppy that you gotta take out every 3hrs all day and night without failure, regardless of what my schedule is. Otherwise they learn to shit in the house instead of in the woods. I have watered absolutely every 5 hrs and was late maybe 7 or 8x throughout the past 6 months. That’s why I got the stupid automatic feeder that you were right was junk, except the solar panel which I’m working on upgrading with higher quality attachments and so am still at it every 5 hrs. That said, once my bags were so green and slimy, probably like 3,5-4 months in, that I wanted to vomit every time I brushed up against one… I stopped that and pulled it back until the bags were starting to be noticably drying. Never more than 2 days and I always gave only Cal-Mag and extra of it just before. In the hope of not allowing the build up of the nutes at the root area. Still, that wasn’t a regular or scheduled thing, but only when it got so yucky. Wrong or right that’s what I’ve done. The plants looked the healthy, mostly, until now. Even with the high run off numbers.
So, my question is this and I been wondering this all along but didn’t want to look stupid by asking. When we dilute our nute mixture, are we diluting with my plain rain water that runs 0.0-0.2EC with a pH at 5.6- 5.8? Or am I supposed to have been diluting with Cal-Mag? Because I’ve not been diluting with CM, and it would seem that may make a difference somehow.
No you dilute with plain water. Too much of anything is detrimental to the plant. remember that all your nutes must be balanced or the plant cant use any of them effectively. This is why you mix using your recipe and adjust with water that has as little in it as possible. It will decrease the concentration of the solution without changing the ratio of individual nutrients. I didn’t realize you were watering that often early on. As @Low pointed out water has to be balanced also. Almost every aspect of your grow will affect the optimum amount of water to use as well as how often. As you water more volume and more often the optimum feed EC will drop slightly because they are getting fed more often. It’s all a delicate balance.
I think it would be a lot easier for you to learn that balance with one or two plants in stead of 10. With 4 different strains and 10 different plants all with different preferences, it’s tough for an experienced grower to come up with a routine that they all like. With so many odds are at least one is going have some problems. If one is a heavy feeder and one is a light feeder then you can chase your tail forever trying to accommodate both, making everyone else unhappy in the process with all the changes. With one or two plants that’s much less of an issue and will allow you to find a method that works for you. Then you can start playing with more or less of this and that without one plant liking it and another hating it.
Well that’s what I been doing. Thought maybe that was the wrong way. Have wondered for most of this grow. I just made 3 gallon into 10 with the 3 part GH + Liquid Cool Bloom. What else is odd is that even though I have zero success with Autos, the runoff numbers from them are spot on 100% of the time. Now that makes less sense than anything else. And yes, as I myself have stated numerous times here, I will never ever do so many at once again. It really is all a learning curve and I beat it to death myself without needed input. I know I effed up doing so many. I had decent success with grow #1 and 7 plants. #2 with 6 went to pot. This one isn’t so bad overall. I had the light issue which was the lights fault and my numbers being suck. What I’m putting in is good. Maybe I give them too much each time. I do tend to get as much back as I put in. Think that could be it?
That’s what I was trying to point out. With a bunch of different plants and strains It’s hard to pick one feed and water routine that everyone likes.
I doubt it, especially if your numbers are ridiculous. I would runoff my coco pretty hard to keep every one rinsed out. I imagine your probably getting close to time to reduce feed for the final ripen. Somewhere around 7 weeks. Mine are around 8, and I think your took a few days longer than mine to transition if I remember correctly