Should I transplant?

-What strains - Platinum OG and Head Band
-Age of plant - 20

-Method: Soil
-Vessels: Plastic SOLO Cup
-PH and TDS of Water, Solution, runoff - 6.8 water/solution
-PPM/TDS or EC - ???
-Method used to measure PH and TDS - Blulab pen
-Indoor or Outdoor if indoor, size of grow space - 4×2
-Light system List brand and wattage/spectrum : Vivosun VS2000/200Watt
-Actual wattage draw of lights: unk
-Current Light Schedule: 18/6
-Temps; Day: 78 Night: 70
-Humidity; Day:35 Night:33
-Ventilation system; Yes,
-AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier : Just fans
-Co2; No


I personally would wait one more week or so
Let’s those fan leaves extend outside of the solo cup a bit.
They are looking good so far though

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They look like there about ready to transplant.

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Thanks for the help. Do you have an IG

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Same name same picture :+1::+1:

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Your in good hands with @Sincitytoker ! :muscle:. Your girls look good so far! :clap:


I would wait until the leaves are about two inches out of the solo cup then transplant