Should I add grow lights to an outdoor plant if it never gets direct sunlight?

First I’d like to say that this is my first time ever growing anything, and I’ve already experienced some very rude cruel comments on other forums.

I found a plant growing in my yard, up against the corner of two walls. This location causes it to never get direct sunlight; it’s never dark but it doesn’t have the sun directly shining on it. I only recently discovered the plant, and it’s made it this far on its own even with the limited sunlight. I lined the walls with aluminum to try to reflect more sun rays. I can notice the leaves growing slightly bigger every day.

Do you think I should add a grow light above it during the day to give it more light, or should I just leave it alone? It’s growing on its own, but would a grow light make it grow faster/bigger? Would it risk causing light stress or burning it up?

This is West Texas where it’s usually extremely hot and dry, but for the past week or so it’s been very cloudy and we’ve had lots of rain.

I don’t want to dig the plant up to transplant it because I fear I’ll kill it from root shock.

Based on my description of it’s location, my photos, and the fact that it’s grown this big by itself, do you think I should add a grow light during the day? If so, should it be on a 12 hour cycle?

You can see specs on the leaves in my pictures, but that’s just dirt from the recent rain/wind.

I’m a total beginner, and am just trying to learn; if you feel I’m missing something please teach me. But on other forums I was talked down to and only criticized while my question was ignored. I’m not shooting for a perfect grow, just a successful one. This plant was grown by mistake by discarding some reggie seeds after all!


If you dont mind me asking, how old is it from seedling?

You won’t get that here.

I believe it’s a male plant so there you go.


I agree

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Good move using reflectors, and keeping it fenced in.
If I wanted to grow it I would light up that corner yes.
I hope you get some feminized seeds and try again. peace :peace_symbol: neighbor

Have no fear, they like better homes, more than can be measured.
My vote, relocate now.

Welcome to this forum.
Reading will accelerate your grow skills.
Forum search magnifier works well.
I have only one concealed yard grow spot.
Shown below

Discovered Clones and revegers will live and grow in this spot.
2-hrs direct, if any, sunlight in cool AM day temps.

PNW-Island-Seattle minus 8-10F.
Everything grows slow, but it works.


Any tips on how to dig it up without damage? Idk if you can see in the pictures, but it’s up against the house which has a concrete slab underneath, so the roots might be rubbing up against the concrete. How deep should I dig? And thank you everyone for all the responses and welcoming.

Welcome to the forum. Nice happy surprise to find growing on its own. That plant is male, no need to dig it up. Will not produce anything…and may pollinate any local growers plants.

Six inches away from stem, box off with spade (all four sides) and then do a deep grab, removing the “Box-Plug”… Rooting ormone can be dusted on root ball. Some live, some die, when I do it.

These will be dug and relocated, soon.

Clone under rock 9under big gulp) got dug up and relocated.

Lights added “outdoors” not advised.
Indoor growing preferred.

So I have a question, since it was brought up.

I read that tinfoil isnt a very good thing to use to reflect light because it wrinkles and isnt evenly distributed. Plain base white paint is better.

Is that mainly for indoor grows where that applies? Or what are opinions on that?

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I’ve never seen problems with foil. The reflective mylar in the grow tents has a texture to it specifically to diffuse and avoid the hot spots that can be caused by glass mirrors.

How can I tell for certain that my plant is male or female?

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Close up pictures of the branch “arm pits”

It’s hard to get my camera to focus, but here is some photos.

I’ve read that if you can see white hairs coming from what you called the armpits, then it is female. I think it looks like it has hair coming out of some of them, but I don’t really know what I’m looking for.

A couple people here told me it looks male but here are the close up pics

That’s a male if I’m not mistaken.

How do you tell?

@MidwestGuy has good illustrations. I can’t find mine right now because my phone reshuffled all of my pictures :joy:

GLOSS White paint should work.
Diamond reflector

Maybe this stuff, too.

and my best picture.

Female with a nut-sack, too


I double down on @DEEPDIVERDAVE transplant it, its still small so chances of damaging root system are slim just wet the soil first then use a shovel and dig deep about 6 inches away from the plant and move it. It can definitely grow there but the quality and quantity of your end product will be mediocre. Light is CRITICAL for plant growth.

When I used foil on a wall, bucket etc I make sure to put shiny side away from plants.

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