Those are pretty plants! They look very healthy!
Yeah man but I’m a bit worried about the crowding and I don’t like bending or tying them was wondering if I could just let it rock and only cut the yellows and browns I do rotate and adjust pot position every feeding any info is appreciated @Budbryan
Well I’m not at pro by any means, but with my few grows LST does wonders for your plants and my last grow was similar to yours where I had allot of little leaves and it was hard to keep them thinned out but I just pulled the ones that looked like blocking the buds sites and just left the rest and mine did great!
That’s the thing you don’t have to be a pro simple is best but I’m always opened to learn new things esp from amateurs like myself
Distance from crown?
I was in a thread discussion with somebody detailing my tent lights,
I decided I was combining the sets wrong.
Changed described light combinations and got better results.
Love the forum friends and assistance.
Yes I agree totally!!!
Flipping soon?
Trim some fans.
Top a few?
Growth will slow and then take off.
You don’t need tall for good buds, just patience or patients.
So I never did this strain it’s iltgm apple fritter I usually stick to the super lemon haze both auto I wasn’t prepared for the plant to be one inch away from the light it’s prob 1.5 weeks early into flower topping is a good idea ? I never done that and I usually let the leaves rock I just take the yellows and browns down will it be an issue will the plant touch the light on the left ? I run 18/6 the entire grow
You can top or very gently bend it by squishing the stem and pushing it over.
top while shaping for next stage.
Try to clone the cuttings,
Have fun Less can be more, I read, once.
Clone in dirt or both water and dirt.
Using “free space” area available with not much effort or maintenance.
Under crown at floor level, works well, sometimes.
I was under the impression that cloning was only for photo an autos could not be cloned I would I have to look into topping in a bit terrified I guess I’ll so some he I’ll post some clear pictures in a few to show you what’s going on
Autos can be cloned, but the clone will be on the same flowering timing as the parent plant. In other words, if you take a cutting from an auto and root it, it will flower at the same time as the original plant. What is meant by others is that you cannot keep an autoflower going by cloning. A photo period plant can be kept alive for years by keeping it or its clones under 18 hours of daily light. Autos will flower and finish no matter what you do. But its fun practice to clone cuttings if you are removing stuff anyway.
@TransplantedFarmgirl @DEEPDIVERDAVE @Spiney_norman
So I toppe the tall one and the one on the right I pruned and removed all dead leaves brown yellows and topped off the soil with fox farms ocean
So I pruned and topped yesterday and filled the soil up wake up this morning the front plants leaves withered one folded I cut them off checked the pots all light gave them a good watering but why is it causing my plants just the one to drop leaves like that basically I touch them with my hand and they fall off
That’s a new one on me.
Let’s put up a bat signal:
@dbrn32 @Budbrother @Low @OGIncognito
Appreciate the tag Grow Sis. Need a little more history on the plant in question Pete. Looking healthy from the pic and not seeing necrosis or any symptoms related to a long drought period
Not sure what I’m supposed to look at. Went to the pic above and saw nothing. A few minor blemishes on lowers. Appears to be wk1-1.5 flower. Maybe at lights on or about out.
The leaves falling off easily?