OK cool. I wasn’t 100% but there aren’t any white dots or brown stuff on the higher up leaves. I looked under them as well. Nothing rubs off of the leaves I plucked.
It’s basically the same type of damage as if you spilled nutes on them when feeding
Burns them and they go crispy dry where they’ve been moistened after a few days.
You Should be good going forward.
They are definitely crispy. Appreciate the quick response! I did use a hand wand to top feed before using the res. So that likely explains the splatters and small dots.
Any time my friend.
Happy to be of some help.
And yes. If the water came up over the tips of the leaves then that would certainly cause what you are seeing.
Agree with @Oldguy and have a few that will get plucked today
1/2" wick rope is in. I swear chinese packing tape is made with pure gasoline. Oily and noxious. Almost burns the fingers. Wonder if I should run it in the wash before using it.
Recent update.
I washed the rope twice and still couldnt get rid if the fuel smell but assume its been removed… hopefully. Added a single run of it under the pot to see how it works. I might remove the outer braiding and just have cotton covering the botton of the bag. Top fed the aci plant as well with about 2L of nutes as the bag was feather light and dry.
Kind of like this. I’ll cut the other one too even though its wicking water well because its too tall and tilts the bag a little.
Hope this works because it has used pretty much 0% of the water in the aci base. I saw some complaints about the aci brand fabric pots not wicking much at all but didnt listen.
I hope it works, if not - Couple of fittings, tubing and an auto pot base. Troubles over .
With top feeding it perked right back thankfully! I haven’t checked to see how it’s wicking yet. They all seem to be growing very well.
New gadget arrived today, the DigiFlow 8000T-QF38. I’ve gotten more than tired of having to use my graduated 5gal jugs to measure water to put into reservoirs and carrying multiple. So I got a water flow and usage meter. I wish it showed how many gallons or liters used not a count down from a set number you pick. However it’s accurate and works. The total gal/l number is set and you just wait for it go down till you hit the amount you want. So I have it set to start at 100 gallons and count down as the flow is calculated. Then when I see the amount I wanted subtracted from the set number. If I set it to 100 gallons and see it hit 90, then I have 10 gallons in whatever is holding the water. You can reset this value every run or set like 10000 and make sure to check the value every time you use it. The main purpose is to use these for an RO system to monitor filter life or general usage. So if your filter is rated for x gallons you’d set that in the device and an alarm would go off when reached.
It’s going to be much easier to fill a 55gal drum or even my 12.5gal vs filling up a 5 gallon jug 11 times, lifting/carrying, dumping and repeat.
5 gallon jug, and accurate added 5 gallons which matched up to the graduated level lines.
When running it will tell you the gallon or liter per minute. My 40gal RO tank was putting about about 2-2.5gal/minute with 3/8 line.
The plants are taking off.
Also, pneumatic quick connects for 3/8" OD work just fine with the autopot tubing. I’m going to swap out all their stock connectors and even the hose for normal 3/8" RO tubing. The only tubing that will be from autopots it what goes to the aquavalve. This should also increase the flow to the pots without restriction from the inside fitting connectors. The connectors and tubing are much cheaper too.
I hate to admit it but the aglex 800w light works great. Has IR/UV/FR etc for really cheap compared to other brands. How long it will last I’m not sure, but supposedly has a 2ish year warranty. Since mine was free I don’t think I’ll get it covered if something goes wrong but will try.
Yeah mine has decided to put in work this last week, not as big as yours but hey I’m getting results.
I think the lower leave damage was pests after all.
I did do some training and decided to inspect it better noticing in on the inside leaves and moving up. So took some macro shots and saw those white things.
Crazy that I’ve barely went in the grow room let alone the tents and got spider mites. Hoping a few treatments work otherwise it seem spider mites are a crop killer. Has anyone else here survived mites? I read about Floramite being a poison that works for 30 days you can use in veg but is crazy expensive.
A lot of money to spend on treatments and a fogger. I hope it all works out and I get to harvest. I guess if all else fails I can release lady bugs in there. Can’t really imagine 1500 lady bugs going to town in a 5x5.
Like bringing a knife to a gunfight.
They forage or go hungry.
I hope to kill my spider mites.
Ladybugs and predator mites (sachets) released.
Jacks Dead bug available.
Might just have a lady showing her goods. Haven’t looked through the other plants well. This is one of the shorter fat leaf ones. Front left in my group.