Seeds germinated stopped growing

Hello, I wanted to see if anyone could help. Ive never grown a thing in my life so I’m shooting in the dark here. So I got a couple seeds to germinate but as soon as I got them in dirt they stopped. Been spraying inside plastic bags covering them twice a day. Im in a 2x2x3 grow tent,1200w light about 28 in above. I started with miracle gro :grimacing: next time I dont think I will as ive heard thats not the best idea for this. So they just barely dropped the casing and nothing. Also the tips are a bit brownish. Ill post pics later

If you’re using the miracle grow with the time release fertilizer in it, I’m guessing that’s your issue.

Starting seeds is a skill for sure.

My first grow was a piece of cake but popping my second seed has been a struggle.

The way I look at it is if it was easy it wouldn’t be as much fun. :smiley:


Have you moistened the soil at all? Is the only watering the spraying? It’s important that there be some moisture in the soil so there is some reason for the roots to develop and to keep the tap root from drying out.

I’m not talking about drowning your plant, but give it one good watering, then waiting until the pot is almost dry before watering again.

I usually give my seeds a good watering when I first plant them, then use a humidity dome to keep the humidity elevated until the the first set of leaves form. I remove the dome for longer periods each day to encourage root growth. After 4 or 5 days I’m done with the dome.

Fml, so no, I did right after I read this and next day seen growth. So I need to water after it dries out with just filtered water is fine yea? I checked my ph comin from the tap and its about 7. I adjusted to 5.5 to water. But the domes need misted like twice a day too tho right? This is all I’ve gathered so far, and don’t worry about any nutes until at least 3 weeks in… I think…

Soil requires a higher pH when feeding/watering. I use Reverse Osmosis (RO) water which has a neutral pH of 7 and if I just water I’m good with that and don’t adjust.

If you want to adjust the pH of your water, or if you were at some point feed the plants, you would want the pH to be in the 6.2-6.8 range when growing in soil.

If you watered the soil there should be sufficient moisture in the pot to keep humidity level in the dome high enough without spraying, but if there is no obvious condensation on the dome then you can spray it.

Miracle grow instant feed and extended release will grow a plant … its not optimal and can cause issues with flower times but it will veg decent If your using 6 to 9 month feed on baby babys might be a lil much for young root systems… make sure your drying your dirt …barley dribble a ring around babys dont soak dirt… and get into a canabis friendly dirt asap