First Grow, and looks like I already screwed it up

Photo below spouted 12 days ago. Watering with proper PH and using 300w grow light in 24 x 24 x 48 tent. Grow light was 24" above plant. Watered with nutrients at1/4 three days ago. Temp has been consistent 71 to 75 with rh at 60. All plants in two gallon fabric.

Ventilation is good in addition to fan. Soil is type in photo.

The plant below sprouted 6 days ago. Planted in mixture of Black Gold and Vermiculite. Watered with proper PH. Tent size and temp rh same as above.

I am in the process of germinating another seed which I intend to plant in Pro Mix below.

I have given up on the top plant and am going to set the pot outside on the deck and see what happens.

I am obviously doing something wrong.

GG4 Seeds from ILGM.

Any advice is more than welcome!!

Thank you.


Over watering… Seedlings need very little water.
If it survives… Once the soil dries… Put a water bottle cut in half over it… Spray the inside of it with water… Once it develops next leaves set… Just water very little… They need a drier period.

Not familiar with the soil… I’d recommend Roots Organics Original… You’ll never buy another soil again. Good stuff…


I’m a new grower too so no expert, but I see two things going on potentially. 1 is your soil looks way too wet. New seedlings take most of their nourishment through their leaves. Lots of people here suggest putting a dome over them till they get established a bit. I cut a 2 liter bottle and turned it upside down over it and just sprayed the inside of dome each day, twice if needed. 2 your light could bee too strong for this stage. What kind of light do you have and what height and intensity do you have it on?


Sry @Growmoredank, guess I was typing while you were, i’m a hunt and peck typer. :smiley:


Thank you! Big time. I really appreciate it.


Thank you! I really appreciate it and will take your and Fiefie advice. Seriously, can’t thank you folks enough.


No problem bud. I’ve got two White Widow autos about 12 days old and one is in that promix in your pic. I got a little grow journal going and you’re welcome to drop by if you’re interested. Not much traffic there so plenty of room for visitors. lol

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Once it sprouts, will do. Again, thank you. Really makes one feel good that so many folks are willing to help and share their knowledge. Peace.


You’re welcome… Anything to help a fellow grower.

Have a great holiday.

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do anyone know what this is on my plant


That’s looking like mold to me :confused:

Indoors or outdoors?

Some guys on here have a peroxide mix wash I think to take car of that.


Thanks that’s what I was thinking it was too


Following along yes on to much water, and yes on a humidity dome, I agree with the others on your adventures, I found that they really don’t need nutrients for awhile also. Slow and steady Growmies welcome aboard also.

I do something similar with my clone domelow light and humidity


Also, this may be part of your problem. This soil retains moisture. That is not recommended for cannabis.
Also this, vermiculite, is the wrong choice for the same reason.
You want no moisture retention in your soil if possible. Perlite is what you want to add even in good quality cannabis friendly soil(like Fox Farms soils). It helps with drainage and allows for wet/dry cycles which is what you want.


Me personally i dont use soil due to its to easy to over water i always use coco coir and fabric pots that i cant over water ,but dont be to hard on ur self either ur just starting out and like the rest of us ur going to have problems with the seedling stage u want to use the k.i.s.s method its much easier dont give up keep pushing forward and you will end up growing a nice plant and good smoke


Point well taken! Thank you.


Thank you!


Many thanks.


Thank you all for the tips on this thread. I’m in a similar boat — my plants look the exact same way. Y’all set me straight!

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What’s wrong with my little girl? Watering every other day a capful. Par is at 250. Light hanging at 24”. Ph is 6.8

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