Seedlings cotyledons dying

My seedlings cotyledons are all drying up and dying it’s only day 15 and feel like it’s way to early for them to be shriveling up and dying im using Mother Earth soil is it the soil that’s to strong for the seedlings I’ve been using the right ph with a spray bottle as well using a mars hydro ts 600 are they goners should I start over with a different?

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It’s normal. They have served their purpose and the plant no longer needs them.


Ok great thank you I was getting ready too plant some more seeds

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Your babies look great! :blush::v:

On day 15 your plants should be considerably larger than that.
Clear cups can be an issue because roots are supposed to be in total darkness.
Do you have drain holes in the cups?
How often have you watered them, and have you used any kind of products?
Are you using tap water, and what are you considering the right pH?
The more information you provide, the more the community will be able to help you.

This is what your plants should look like. These are my current seedlings on day 12 above ground.


Looking like future runway models. :love_you_gesture:

Thank you great information I’ve been having the ph between 6 and 6.5 no drainage which I’m going to add some holes to the bottom right now and make sure the roots get darkness I’ve been using a spray bottle to water 2 of my seedlings have completely dried out since yesterday one of them was in a 3 gallon pot and the other in the clear cup I was also thinking it could be the heat from the light so I added more air circulation

[quote=“Cap_Ron, post:5, topic:105170”]
On day 15 yo
[/ Thank you great information I’ve been having the ph between 6 and 6.5 no drainage which I’m going to add some holes to the bottom right now and make sure the roots get darkness I’ve been using a spray bottle to water 2 of my seedlings have completely dried out since yesterday one of them was in a 3 gallon pot and the other in the clear cup I was also thinking it could be the heat from the light so I added more air circulation


Which variety of Mother Earth soil are you using?
If it’s coco peat you should be watering more thoroughly.

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Im using regular Mother Earth soil not coco I spray them every time the soil seems dry on the top soil

Do you know which variety of soil it is?

Mother Earth Terracraft All Purpose Potting Soil I also just planted some more seeds with the advice you told me but used miracle grow soil to start them off will transplant them later on too Mother Earth once they get their first big true leafs