So I planted my Do si do auto flower seeds in the soil about three days ago after germination. I’ve covered them with a cut off bottom of a water bottle and sprayed the soil to keep it humid in there but the shell of the seed has stuck to three out of the eight that I germinated and it caused one of the leaves to rot that I removed and there’s still one stuck that I cannot get off . How should I handle this? also are they growing fast enough? I’ve just been missing the soil a little bit basically I sprayed a circle around the seedling the size of a solo cup but never really got very close to the inside of the circle and then I watered them today from the bottom soaked the pots In about 3” of water for approximately 45 seconds each. You can see where I had to remove the leaves that had rotted from the shell being stuck onto them. I’ve got them under a T5 on a 19 on 5 off schedule. But I’m thinking about switching to my metal halide bulbs and just turning them down to %50
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“Helmet Head” spray seed cover gently with water to moisten, prepare for surgical removal of shell (If plant does not de-shell in couple of hours and after a couple of re-moisten sprays).
gotta love shell surgery, i do it every grow. you got this @503KING
Like the others said.
As Deepdiverdave said, moisten it first so it softens, then pry it off gently and slowly with clean tweezers. I had it last grow and the plant turned out ok
Others have you covered. Honesty, a drop of spit on your finger works great. There will be some that need to be forcefully removed but a lot of times the spit will do the job.
I had one get stuck and it wouldn’t come off like others have previously. It ripped the cotelydons off so it had a rough start but it is doing amazing now.
They don’t take kindly to you taking their food source, lol
That’s what I do, works great
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
The spit worked wonders… always does lmao! Thank you
Lol i just give it a Lil spritz of water dome it for 15 mins then use a pin or 2 to remove it
I have the same issue. This is the third sees that has kept it’s hull. I heard hydrogen peroxide will help loosen it but too afraid to try it.
When you plant them in soil plant them a little deeper and push the soil a little harder over top of them the seed haves to push harder to get through the soil and the extra friction to get out will help the helmet to come off