Help seed shell is stuck on my seedling!

Hey all, one of my fresh new girls doesn’t seem to want to get rid of the seed case!
Should I attempt to force this off? Or continue to let it run its course?
It’s about 4 days since germination.
@Graysin hey grandmaster! Gonna tag you, looking for a fairly quick answer! Thanks anyone!


That’s an easy one. Wet the seed head and carefully pull on it. I normally just add a little saliva to my finger and pat on, don’t judge me! It may not come off at first, don’t force it wet it a little a few times a day and into the next couple days till it comes off.


If I get a stubborn one I like to mist a few times with spray bottle , and Use two toothpicks to Gently pry the cap apart to help remove. Good luck


Id use a pair of tweezers to remove it. Put a small amount of pressure on the sides first and it’ll probably crack open and come right off. Its a delicate process so take your time.


Thank you very much for the replies @Dirtydabber @kellydans @FUKAZ28 , gonna give it a go right now


Cover it with a humidity dome, leave it for an hour or two, then get a pair of tweezers or use your fingernails to gently peel the shell off. :v:


Forcing removal could be detrimental.
Moisten with slight spray, cover with dome, hour later, gently tweezer assist removal of “HELMET HEADED SEEDLING”. All the above gave you good advice, good tweezer action to you.
This was a helmet header before the assist.

They both have had some difficulty.
Right seedling has perpendicular head and ugly color (hard to see, above the slit in solo cup)
Left seedling still praying?


This just happened to me few days ago!

Just basically did what graysin and deepdave does! It works.


thanks everyone! helped a lot, i managed to get it off. i sprayed the shell a few times and covered it. then used some tweezers and it came right off!
tho, it’s looking a bit weird, perhaps that’s just from the leaves being couped up in the seed for longer than normal?


No worries, this is a little bit of the shell skin still on the tip of it. When the cotyledons grow a little bit more, they will pop it off. It’s ok, a few days from now you’ll have some real leaves. Good luck!!

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ayye thanks for that @TransplantedFarmgirl , i can now breath a sigh of relief :+1::raised_hands:

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Nice work.


I had one, like that.
It did the perpendicular to ground position for both leaves stuck together, after helmet head was removed.
The seedling required two days to self-correct.
Has your’s corrected, yet?

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Damn that’s weird! I’ve never had this happen before so it thru me off.
And it has kind of corrected. Looks like it’s still trying pretty hard :raised_hands:


weed does that, strive to stay alive.
Good growing to you.


It’s doing fine. If you want to pick off the shell skin you can but it is developing mini leaves in there.

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Right right, I attempted to bust some of the leaves out and ended up damaging one :raised_hands:

Also that girl was my backup, that ended up germinating well. So will probably experiment with it as my system is only a 2 grow

Moisten “helmet header” with mist of spray and dome (make it sweat) then assist.
I get many like that.

Still all good. I had a worm eat most of one of my seedlings new leaves, grew into a big plant. I yva had almost every major calamity befall my plants at some point. Short of a fire, they find a way :+1:

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My first grow was a purchased clone. She traveled in the car for two days to get home (we were visiting in a more friendly state). Two weeks later our dog took a bite of it and broke the main stem. I taped it with stretchy tape and left a gap for growth. It really tried, but the pot fell over a week later when it was draining in my sink and that did it. The stem got a bit pinched. The poor girl certainly took beating before her stem slowly shriveled up and died.

Now I’m trying with some purchased seeds.