sorry for the long post… I did do some searching and looked at the symptom pics…
my white widow girls are about 8 days old… germed 4, 3 seem to be doing pretty good, (the 4th seemed to only be growing 1/2, one fan leaf… but anyway, I was only looking to grow 3 really anyway…) the other 3 seem to be doing “ok”… starting to see roots reach the clear pots I have them in… I’ve been watering them every 2 or 3 days… using a soil moisture meter to help me not over water them, I hope
the last 2, 3 days, I’ve noticed some yellowing at leaf edges, and the tips of a couple fan leaves drooping… I can’t imagine it’s a deficiency at this age… but i’m not sure if they need some nitrogen or phosphorus maybe…they are in Fox Farm happy frog now, using distilled water… pretty sure the PH has been good, tho I haven’t been checking runoff yet… I plan to swap them to 7 gal smart pots with ocean forest in them at a couple weeks… I have the Go nutrient kit ready for when I need to start feeding them…
do these look ok?
current info
Strain; Type - White Widow
Soil - Fox Farm happy frog
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS … none
Light system, size? CFL’s for first 2 weeks, than 600w MH/HPS Solas Tek
Temps; Day, Night fluctuating between 72 and 80
Humidity; Day, Night about 50%
Ventilation system; Yes, Size 4" (6" hood cooling) not using yet…
AC, Humidifier humidifier not being used yet…
Co2; - will incorporate ProCo2 during veg
thanks for taking the time and any insight!