I feel there are too many yellow leaves on my ILGM white widow photo. She has harvest date of beginning of October which is 8 week flowering mark. Any thoughts if she can get by next three to 4 weeks with this much yellow going on? I am feeding fox farm bottle nutrient Buds and bloom 7ml every other watering. Thoughts?
Might need to give her a lil nitrogen.
She is a shexy plant!
I thought that too at first till i blew the pics up a little and it kinda looks like a sulpher deficiency. Try it and see what you think @Docnraq . Im interested in soil and water/nute ph as well
I’d be surprised. Sulfur is one of those micro nutrients that the plant really doesn’t need much of, and more often than not, the soil provides as much of those micronutrients as is needed by the plant. This is true in many cases - copper, zinc, molybdenum, etc etc.
I won’t say it’s impossible, but it’s significantly more likely that she’s lacking in one of the main canna nutes - N, P, K, Ca or Mg.
Ya i thought possibly cal-mag thing so i blew em up but dont see any rust spots yet
Heavy on the “yet,” I suspect.
Potassium and magnesium often look similar to me and begin with yellowing rather than spotting. Calcium can be spotting, yellowing, or both. Phosphorus is the only one I reliably can identify due to the large dark or rusty blotches.
Honestly on close examination of the leaves that are yellowing, I’m of the mind that she’s just hungry generally. Nitrogen particularly, but I’d hit her with a well-balanced blend of NPK and a dose of CalMag. If OP can share all the nutes they have available, I can suggest a better regiment. The liquid FF trio isn’t remarkable in terms of diversity of nutrients, but a little grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom would go a long way. Beastie Bloomz and their CalMag would enhance the results even greater.
Soil is happy frog…ph of water in is between 6-7. The yellowing has been going on now a couple of weeks and I have been clipping them off when yellow
I have not used cal mag at all in my grows
I going to tag along. I am facing more yellowing than usual this outdoor grow. Mine are at seven weeks and probably will be finishing up in October.
Frankly I think your plant looks fine for where you are. Plant is going to consume nutrients contained in fan leaves and then release them. This is just a normal progression of the plant’s lifecycle. Hope you’ll forgive the funny.
@Myfriendis410 . That is what I am going through right now!
That is so so true. I’m knew to marijuana but have been vegetable gardening for 30 years. I did learn one thing and only recently. I can differentiate between too much water and too little. I feel the soil. A hundred laffy face emojis for you my friend : )))))))
I asked the same thing. The people here really helped.
learned from here. soluble N has turned my plants around
Flowering plants simply don’t uptake as much N as it’s not needed. Once leaves yellow there’s nothing you can do but remove them as they won’t recover.
oh yes i agree, dead is dead but new yellowing stopped. all green now with a touch of senesence.
Got a picture?
love love love it!! Plants have many many likes & dislikes.
I’m going to respectfully disagree with everyone suggesting more nutes and say this: don’t fight the fade. I’m a little surprised that this late into flower and this close to harvest anyone would recommend more nutes.
The plant is cannabalizing itself through natural biological processes. You want this to happen. If it was me, i would just ride it out to flower, a super green plant at harvest is a bit of a cause for concern in my book. Maybe a feeding of mag sulfur to help fatten the buds but you risk smoking all the other chemicals you put into her this close to harvest. This looks relatively normal.