The plant metabolizes the nutrients we give it, just like we digest the food we eat. The buds are built up on those chemicals throughout the process of the growth. Removing nutrients toward the end of the grow does nothing to change that fact. Respectfully, if there are harmful components to the nutrients being used, they have existed long before bud formation occurred.
Moreover, the purpose of suggesting nutrients is the plant in question had quite a ways to go before harvest (2+ weeks being my guesstimate) - it runs the risk of losing all the foliage and having no leaves left to convert sunlight into energy. A plant that truly gives up on life is going to produce no more meaningful bud, and potentially even start consuming the energy/nutrients utilized to bud build in the first place. I dunno if you’ve experienced burnt crispy buds from insufficient nutrient before, but personally I have and I would rather avoid it in future grows.