Root aphids? Please help!

Hey everyone i need some serious help. Ive been dealing with what i think are root aphids. Very small bugs mainly in the soil then turn into small flying bugs that look like gnats. I don’t see any crawling around on the plants really mainly in the soil. Ive tried captain jacks dead bug, captain jacks neem oil, grow safe bio off amazon. Ive been spraying them pretty much every day with no luck. Any advise would be appreciated!

Probably fungus gnats. Try some mosquito bits.


@UncleV Sounds like fungus gnats. You need mosquito bits, like @Dexterado suggested. You will also need some sticky traps as well as some Diatomaceous earth. The key here is to break the life cycle. The MB will kill the larvae. The traps catch the adults and the DE kills adults as they land to lay eggs in the soil. Hit your plant with the mosquito bits. (Put 4 TBLSP in a gallon of water, soak for an hour or two then use water to water plant) Then sprinkle DE on surface of soil and lay down sticky traps. Repeat process in a few days. You will begin to see a reduction in gnats. Once they start to dissapear follow the instructions and repeat as per directions. Dont worry, its not the end of the world. In future runs you might consider mixing in a few tblsp of mosquito bits into the pot when mixing up soil is a good preemptive measure.


Sounds like the growmies have you covered :point_up::100::point_up::100:.

Good tip on mixing bits in the soil. I thought it was a top dress thing

Thanks for the replies. From my research i thought it was fungus gnats at first but the fungus gnats larvae look like little worms . These look like little mites in the soil that grow wings when full grown. Root aphids look like that according to google. i have fly strips hanging up theres a couple dozen on it. Idk if eggs keep rehatching. Ill spray it looks clear for a day or 2 then there is a bunch of em again. But i have been spraying every day. I just ordered diatomaceous earth to try. I will also buy some mosquito bits to try. I always use fox farm ocean forest soil.


I tried a free sample organishield from a cannacon I really like.

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Physan 20 for bugs and bacterial infections and blue magic works awesome against wpm and molds