Root Aphids or soil mites

I have these bugs in my soil. There are getting to be a lot more of them. I thought root aphids but they don’t look like any picture of a root aphid. I want to treat quickly, but not sure what they are. Please help I need to treat today.

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Capt Jacks Deadbug.

Is your soil overly wet on a consistent basis? This attracts bugs.

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I’m seeing something similar on my plants. One I just harvested but had to limp it to the finish line leaves just kept dying. Another is close to harvest but showing no ill effects. I’ve doused with capn jacks and top dressed mosquito bits, neither seems to knock them. I’m planning on just letting them finish then doing some boiling water or peroxide treatment for the soil because I’m planning on reusing. I thought they were gnat larvae at first but the flying population has been extremely low, I would have expected to see a bunch mature and start flying if that’s what they were. No clue what they are :man_shrugging:t2:. You could try a peroxide wash through your soil but you’ll have to replace all your beneficials and microbes after.

Might try that today I am going to try something,was just hoping I could nail down what I’m treating. can’t find a picture of this bug anywhere. thank you.

I try to let it dry out between watering’s. Usually water every other day.

Well, I found out that they are termites. I still have not found a good way to kill them if anyone can help. Indoor grow about four weeks from harvest.

I’m about to go tear through my pot of soil from harvested plant and see lol hope that’s not what I have. Google will give you a few quick remedies. Vinegar, certain essential oils, and borax look to be the most readily available. As to their effects to the plants I couldn’t say.

Cant go wrong with capt jacks like @MidwestGuy suggested.

I have some captain Jack’s I’ll give that a try. I’m growing in 7 gallon bags. How much do you think I should put in each bag?

Here’s a pile of the little guys that were in the dish under grow bag before and after I sprayed them with 91% alcohol lol


Haven’t seen any outside the bag, hope I don’t. I just couldn’t figure out what the little suckers were .I will keep the alcohol in mind though thank you