More of those awesome looking kaleidoscope pinwheels mans. Great, greens, purples, limes, yellows…awesome garden Oly!
This post…
Sums up my brain. Every. Day.
I might just post this quote every day and just change the date.
you are more than welcome to lol.
That’s what I would call a no effort free flush.
If you get a chance, can I see wash main stem at the bottom?
@Zee when the rain finally stops picture I’m going to have to tie up some of those branches and I’ll get some pictures of those main stems!
Holy crap. These fluffy girls are waterlogged. I had to tie up a half dozen branches that were totally or partly outside of their cages.
I bet those 7gallon pots weigh upwards of 75 pounds of plant, soil and water.
@Zee Here are those main stem pics.
Thank you! Doing my homework before this reveg attempt. Got months before I start. That is a thick stalk!
Following your guide to do it.
@Zee Cool! If I could have done one thing different… When she was 4 or 5 weeks into reveg, I transplanted her without carefully knocking out old growing mix before sticking her in more new growing mix. I would have done that and used mykos to jumpstart the new roots in the new growing mix.
I wish I had the insight to take these pots out of the ground before the rain.
I could have tied those branches up better. I could also drag them into the garage at night with a fan and a dehumidifier.
I used to think I could put an umbrella over these plants. Those colas are like 10-12 inches over the tops of their cages.
Damnnnn! I can hold my own, moving those thick heavy bushes around would be a workout, however removing them while under water is an obstacle.
Not everyday you see those big of healthy girls you got growing, they’re resilient plants.
That is thick! Wow
I’m so mad now. My plants have bud rot. We pulled the two potted plants into the garage with fans and a dehumidifier.
The garage stunk the next day. And not in a good way. I pulled the plant out of the garage yesterday and trimmed the crap out of them removing as much fuzzy gray mold as I could. I also removed a few branches and any leaf I thought would stifle a breeze or sight.
Jack has a little bit of rot too. I need to cut that out
Even Zero’s foster family brought her back with bud rot.
Clearly, nine days of smoke blocking the sun, dewy mornings, And another five days of rain took its toll on the plants.
Dottie seems to remain unaffected for now. She also has a fan blowing in her more often.
I can’t say anything to recover from that. I relate and it flat out is the worse.
Dottie is freaking special, keep her around. Clone or reveg her…reveg on her would be art.
One last thing. A lot of growers can plant seeds, that’s boring to me now. I can make seeds sprout, can I successfully reveg a plant because of you, am confident I can.
2 months away from the start.
We should have more sun for the next few days. I’ve cut off more bud rot and expect to cut off more in the upcoming days.
Some of this bud right looks like blunt force trauma. The outside buds got the worst damage…like they were smashed flat by the heavy rain we had this past Wednesday.
My yard waste bin reeks of this nasty-ass smelling bud.
I trimmed a lot off of zero also. Zero has shown zero signs of producing pollen sacs from the purple branch that I painted with Cloyd all silver back in July and August.
Dottie still looks pretty good.
I think she was close enough to the house to shield her from the “wall of rain“ we had last week.
Yeah, that rot smell is bad, can’t imagine it being wet.
Looks like you still got a bunch to harvest my friend. Dottie looks like a few solid cure and dry zips, by herself.
I was just thinking of that the other day. Hadn’t seen you post anything on it in a while. No go huh? I was hoping to follow in your footsteps. Lol, more than likely I still will.