Requesting some grooming advice

Grower Friends:

Day 27 — White Widow Auto (second two pics) and Green Leaf Feminized (first two pics) — should I trim? the lower leaves? I already removed the lowest leaves on each plant.

Many thanks!

Green Leaf plants:

White Widow plants:


I would leave them alone for now. I would consider topping tho in another couple nodes of growth.


@Poseidon1 Thank you! I’ll look up best practices for topping autos.

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Sorry i missed the part of being a auto. I do not do auto’s so im going to take back what i said. Lst would most likely be better. Still would not defoliate at this point tho.


@Poseidon1 Much appreciated!

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I would leave them until they get bigger. Then trim a little.

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@4204life Thank you, my friend! How many nodes should be present?

Im sorry I missed the auto part. Not sure if I would trim autos until they go into flower mode. Most people would top around the 5th node.
Plants look good!

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This is how I topped my autos in my last grow, and had very good results:

Top above the 5th node, remove the branches on node 1 (which I think you already did), and spread the remaining branches to form a starfish formation like in the pic. I used tent stakes to hold them in place.


@MagicCultivator420 Thank you for the lavish detail and advice! How many days in would that typically fall?


I would def. top them like @MagicCultivator420 recommended
Trimming as long as there getting light and air flow leave as many leaves on as possible.
I did very little trimming on this plant to date. Day 21 and day 42 of flower is where the real trimming happens.


@TLC Thank you for the additional explanation. It’s much appreciated!


I grew 3 white widow autos and did absolutely nothing and averaged 5oz per plant biggest 3 autos i ever grown


I was going to leave this alone as it seemed to be solved early in, but one more chime in for no more cutting. Leave her for a bit… she will become a bush… trim bottom third if plant much later. She got some recouping to do


Do not touch her let her grow then do some lst but do nkt trim her fan leaves off i learned that early on


I do it as soon as the plant has 6 nodes. Then I just let them bush out.

At the first signs of flower I do a light defoliation to promote airflow and remove any thin and low down side branches that look like they won’t produce much, especially those that have lots of space between the nodes.

3 weeks in flower, I lollipop the plants (remove the bottom 1/3 of the plant). These buds won’t be seeing much light anyway and will just become larf, so take them off to make the plant focus it’s energy on the top buds. I defol lightly at the top also to promote more airflow.

3 weeks after that, I give a heavy defoliation, to heavily promote airflow and reduce the chances of mold and wet spots on overlapping leaves, especially being so late in flower.

I’m seeing others saying to not top or defol an auto. Unfortunately it’s a mixed camp about this opinion. I did it and had good results (average 135g per plant), but it’s your call in the end, or just try it on one and see how you go. But I’m a heavy fan of defoliation and believe in its benefits.


Thank you all for the advice! Y’all are helping this newbie out!


What brand of calmag do y’all use?

Cali Magic

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@TLC Merci!

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