– Original post update Apr 4, 2017 –
latest updates will be in bold in the OP.
Even Know I have a post here already with some of the same things stated, it started to turn into more of a Grow Journal, so decided to start fresh one under grow journals.
Poor grower with a poor growers set up. because allot of it will be repeated. Ill leave it to the admins to delete the old one or not. I also wanted to clean up my post also.
(Plant #001 Born Jan - 21 - 2017) ______ -Indoor Current setup -Number of Plant(s): 3
- Plant 004, 005, 006
Number of Seed(s) germinating: 3
*3/6 success so far
Lights : Dual Head Led Grow Light, 10W (Bought on Amazon)
*I am aware people are stating to upgrade to CFLs, its on the list, just at the bottom under bills, & food.
Light Timer: 18/6 (Bought on Amazon)
Starting Soil: American Seed’s seed starting potting mix
- This soil was used in the first plant, it has not been used in any of the current plants. See current soil.
Current Soil: All purpose re potting soil
*Contents of the soil as shown on package: Aged forest products, Processed pine bark,
Canadian sphagnum peat moss, reed sedge peat, sand and/or composted rice hulls,
perlite and limestone (pH Control).
Nutrient Mix: Not using any at this time, not having a pH Meter
*I am looking at a cheapy meter on some websites, but like the CFLs its at the bottom of the list.
Watering: Distilled water inside a fine spray mist bottle
Temps: 75-83’F
Setup sits ontop of a heating pad ontop of couple layer of foil, set on low.
The Temp reader is now in place and this is the temps. On a good warm day outside ill catch it lil warm in the grow space and make adjustments just in case and again when the temps force me to turn up the heat inside.
Humidity: Unknown, Its winter time and heating in the home is electric, so air should be pretty dry.
Ventilation system: Small DC Fan on low applying a fresh breeze.
Climate system: Heat is on, AC Is off, Dont own a Humidifier or De-Humidifier.
Co2: None used aside what comes out of the human body naturally or during cooking,
and my home is very small (27 Ft RV Small as I live full time in a RV).
Plant Strain: Unknown, seed came from some cheap reggie i got.
*reggie from what I know is weed named from poor rushed growing, and dehydration process
making low quality weed. The seed I got to germinate and start, I am gonna try to grow best I can
with what I got for a decent smoke for own use. Maybe some smart person can tell from looking
at it what strain it could be.
– Progress –
What I can tell from grow guides I have read, my plant is a little slow, but in my eyes so far is going well.
[Plant #001, Picture taken Jan - 29 - 2017] The leafs that help it break out of the seed are already staring to fall off by this time.
[Plant #001, Taken Feb - 3 - 2017] Seed breaking leafs have fallen off, and looks nice and green.
Sorry camera on my phone stinks. One moment takes a nice photos then dont another time
no matter how many times i try to take it.
[Plant #001, Taken Feb - 5 - 2017] Growing big. A little discoloring at the tip of one of the lower leafs.
As it grows I am gonna try to post photos as it grows. note any changes As I go if any. I am still doing allot reading from grow guides. Just a poor guy in poor health, with a poor setup. Showing how its going with my plant as a first time grower and what could be possible with the cheapest of things.
Always welcome to hear if there something I need to take action on looking at the latest photo, or reassure me the plant looks healthy and good at that time. I may also edit post as I go to fix things I messed up or important info that should be noted about my setup.
Good Day to you all!