New grow journal. First time attempt

Hi guys just starting off here. Was hoping for some positive feedback. Heard good things about the site.

Well I’m in week 3 of seed to seedling.
Growing in layered fox farms on bottom of solo and coco court pots and happy frog on top. Rapid rooter used to sprout seedlings planted directly into soil after first sprout. T8 lights still on about 4” Inches from plants. Humidifier and heater in room. Maintaining a 68-75 degree range of temperature. At about 60%-70% humidity. Fluctuates a lot. Running lights at 18/6 hrs.

This is where I’m at. Pictures are in order with the dates too. Any feedback would be nice and helpful. Thank you so much.



@dbrn32 please help with tips. And also may you tag friends. Just started and could really use Some tips. Much appreciated!

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Watching with interest!
Best of luck mate - you have a nice collection and mix going there!
I’m just new myself. But having started with clones - this stage is very new to me. You will find no shortage of valuable input here!
@DankBank22 @Davyg might be of interest to you guys


Pics #8 and #9, that bucket come from w…r road? We are practically neighbors.

I think you’re off to a great start. When. You start in cups or small pots there’s not really any need to layer your soils. You will be transplanting before long, so go with something mild or inert in the cups, then layer in pots you move them to. Also make sure the cups have a lot of holes in bottom and around lower sides. You want water to drain off fast and a lot of oxygen to root zone. Looks like they’re pretty wet right now.

Watch your seedlings don’t stretch too much as well. They kinda look like they are trying to now. T8’s are pretty weak, about half the efficacy of a t5 high output which is more common fluorescent for growing. Are you running cold whit bulbs?


Haha good eye, yeah they’re from that location.
Okay more holes is what I was just thinking. The coco coir only had the 2 holes at bottom. Will be sure to add more.
Should moving the lights closer help? Or investing in t5s? Idk if it would be worth it since I have 400 w M/H light. I was gonna Switch to soon. And not quite sure what cold white lights is regard too?


thanks man. Crossing my fingers and hoping for best.

Looking great man. I usually start in totally inert soil and go for goodies when they’re a little bit older and ready for transplanting. Off to a cracking start though. Oscillating fan to provide a gentle breeze will be on the cards shortly to toughen up those stems and help develop a stronger root system

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I did buy a cheaper small fan at bottom circulating air. And also one above my humidifier. To push air. Seems to be the only thing keeping my humidity levels stable.

Small black one is at ground level

Small white one above humidifier


I’m tuned to watching. I’m gonna tag along, that is, if you don’t mind :v:

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With those t8s, if they are a cool bulb I’d get them about 2 inches from tops to keep them from stretching. Looking good so far.

Cold whit le refers to cct of the bulb. For seed starting and veg you want dome like 5000k-6500k.

I would just manage what you have until you get them under bigger light. Is the plan to veg them under mh then?

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Hey @csfutbol, welcome. Great looking start. Mind if I tag along!

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When you use solo cups take a lighter and carefully use it to melt holes all around the bottom of the cup… works wicked and is fast an easy.

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The other folks got ya pretty much dialled in. You wont be needing to water the one plant for a few days at least! They really dont loke soggy soil at all so go easy there.

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Love the idea of the wireless camera in the tent to keep an eye on things without opening the tent!

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Hi , my question is , are they all auto’s ? If so better to switch 20/4 schedule , i’m also new but also member in another forum and almost everyone agrees that 20/4 is the best for them , just my 2 cents , happy growing my friend !

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Dbrn stated what I was about to, watch the stretch with seedlings.

Good vibes and good luck :v:


Yeah, I was planning to moving them in about another week to under 400 w, or it is Dimmable so maybe 275w to start? But did touch the tubing and it is practically no heat.

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Unfortunately not feminized except maybe the purple urkle and maybe the master kush. The others are bagseed :disappointed: but I’m liking the way they look so far lol

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