White Widow, Lemon Skunk, Double Tangie Banana, Lil’ Sebastian, and it seems like at least a couple others, but I’m drawing a blank…I had a killer Head Cheese going, just starting to flower, that I had to kill unfortunately…had to move, nowhere for her to go. Did several Lemon Skunks though…that was great meds. I’m just growing veggies right now, due to our current housing setup. So dumb, it’s totally legal here, but the apartment complex specifically forbids it, and we’re not even the actual lessee, but only listed as occupants. Big mess that will hopefully be over soon. Duh, why am I trying to remember…it’s all on my journal, here: Closet/Frigidank™ perpetual grow I stopped growing a little over a year ago, and I miss it more every day.