Rays 4th season Star Killer and Do-si-doe Bag Seeds (1 maybe a glue)

i love this Grem

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LMMFAO!!! Dude you seriously made me laugh out loud! :joy::joy::joy: i feel the disrespect wayyyyy over here. I dont like flavord rillos. Jist gimme the green leaf game


And this poem is GOAT. Shakespeare level :poop: bro

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I cant smoke the tobacco again so soon after stopping it lol. I wanted a cigarette off my cousin who smoked my exact brand BAD yesterday but I resisted 100. I asked her how much they cost and the answer blew my mind. 7.50 cents a pack. When I quit in 2010 they were around hmmm. I cant remember lol. Hell they were less than that rofl


Mine are 6.75. Its nuts the price keeping going higherā€¦ n higher

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Great job @Gremmall :+1: keep resisting the urge.


Good call J. Forgot to give him credit. Keep hope alive bro

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Iā€™m resisting a whole LOT mrs @GreenJewels lol. It really makes the words WORDLY TEMPTATIONS have a different meaning lol @PurpNGold74 I appreciate that man. Hope and faith rule my heart now not misery and despair. Iā€™m fixing to have to re-do some things around here which might be the hardest yet. I have to start eating more lol Iā€™m still 240 but my legs are SKINNY roflā€¦Iā€™m on the bike now grrr

Iā€™m sure the prices help too :joy: ā€¦but I have to confess, Iā€™m addicted to cigarettes and coffee :grimacing::disappointed: I donā€™t see any reason to quit coffee but I will quit cigarettes soon. My stress level was way too high for quiting but itā€™s getting a lit lower now. Maybe after my bday :wink: ā€¦donā€™t ever go back @Gremmall itā€™s too hard to quit all over again, you got this :v::green_heart:


Mid week growth photo

I have to tell my mistake the bottom right i didnā€™t clean the hydroton well enough so it made my roots brown i went to clean it off and broke the major root but as you can see she has recovered


ok this thing is also a mutant its 4.5 months old its just now starting to get trichomes am i doing something wrong do i need to defoliate she is just not producing the bud like a photo


Thats just the great outdoors. Seasons are just change bro. N a month that whole section of wall will be stinky n funky


Even as a auto?

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Genes are never 100%. And mistakes happen. Maybe u got the wrong seed?


It is a auto its been outside since may lol I thought i would be able to pull it before labor day. but she just seems to be a slow grow. I was hoping to finish my 3part gen hydro nutrients. On her she just keeps going and going in flower.

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the pro darn, I bumped the font agains and now I canā€™t wee what iā€™m typing. someone please help lol.

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try rebooting the thing

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by memory what I was going to say, is that that is part of the problem with the autoā€™s. you can sometimes get different results than what is expected.

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wow, it worked. rebooting doesnā€™t help this same problem on chrome, but on IE I now have proper view, thanks bud!


only use Chrome for games, firefox for everything else, your welcome mate :+1::kangaroo: