Final bag seed harvest. Not sure of strain. 9 1/2 weeks flower , 2 week’s water flush, 4 days dark.
That’s so green it looks like a fake plastic plant. Nice!
Dude! Your killing it with that bag seed!
@Rugar89 lol yeah you right , I have no clue of strain and the street weed was full of seeds,these are the biggest buds I’ve ever grown at least the bag seed era is going out on a high note, pun intended.
Thanks man
I’m patiently waiting on mine and I only hope my bag seeds turn out like yours. Great job and happy smokes when you finally are able to do so.
@Wishingilivedina420state totally smoking bud porn
Well played
I think is awesome today I celebrate my independence from bag seeds thanks ILGM.
@Onlythebest79 thanks a lot , I’m sure your plants will be great the people on this site are the reason for my crop, I’ve grown off and on for years outside Reggie, but a year after coming inside and learning as much as I can.
I’m by no means any more than a novice and to tell the truth probably just got lucky but mostly the help of ILGM.
Nice!!! Enjoy!
@Onlythebest79 please send pics I’d love to see them girls.
Happy 4th to you and enjoy your harvest
Man I want to hit the like button a thousand times. I ran out for today. Great going!!
May your dry go smoothly, and your cure flawless!
Wow she’s a monster
Thanks, this part worries me to no end .