My b.s. s.o.g. Bud porn

All bag seeds not sure of strain. Good smoke when i bought it so this should be good I hope.
I did get a few clones just in case, but my ilgm gscx go into flower :hibiscus: in the next couple days and I can’t wait.


Shoot bag seed or not you got them girls looking good​:sunglasses::+1:

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Ya looking great. How long they been in flower?

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@Tonyb just starting week 4

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@Nug-bug @Tonyb thanks guys .


No man. I give credit where credit is due. Also u helped me guesstimate where my bag seeds grow is at, cuz like a dumb dumb I didn’t write down anywhere when I flipped to 12 :stuck_out_tongue:

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No problem just remember guesstimate being the key word there.

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Trust me. I Knoooo dat lol

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Yeah, very nice. I’d like to try a SCROG but I will wait for a complete indoor grow. Maybe try DWC…

I want to try dwc but don’t have the room, maybe 1 day

If I could hold still long enough. I like to put the girls outside whenever I can but SCROGing wouldn’t work so well. If I wait for late fall I can do it all inside.

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I grew Reggie out for years I know it’s not good weed but still I see how much more and better you can get inside but that’s just me I love growing inside and being in total control of my girls invierment.
Now I not saying you can’t get great weed out side. Yes you can great stuff …
I’m just saying there are to Many verables for me.

@Myfriendis410 why wait till fall, another reason to grow inside is its all year long. :sunglasses:

@Wishingilivedina420state, oh I’m growing now lol. I like to be frugal whenever possible so out they go for a dose of sunshine. Two Sour Diesel and one Gold Leaf, all gems. Just gonna do three this grow as I am overflowing with dried bud. Enough for a couple of years.

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Congrats on that …
I’d live to see some pics.

Here’s my three new ones. The sprout is the G.L. fem.


Very nice​:+1::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

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What’s bs about it every grow is a learning tool think of how many things this grow has brought to your attention that you would change or adjust for your next one. The screen will support buds so is performing a task you are learning how to work around it I’m sure so lots gained from this grow :wink:

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@Donaldj when I say b.s. I only mean bag seed.:v: not trying to swear.:see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

And your very right I learn everyday, every grow, if I don’t then what’s the point. :sunglasses::alien:

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