Quick fix on a Auto flower

Growing a new auto strain I haven’t tried yet with Five different strains
This strain is Cenix auto need some quick answers plant is in flower 4 weeks to finish I’m in soil plenty of light
Adding Alaska 0-10-10,5-5-1,mag-cal in a tea ph 6.4 I’m missing something does this look like lack of Phosphorus?
On bottom to top leaves
Only happening on this one plant

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Leaves come and go. How about pics of the full plant?


Pics of the full plant

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It’s a little excess nitrogen. Do you know your runoff pH and PPM? What product(s) are you feeding? What soil are you using?


My runoff is 6.1-6.3
I don’t know the ppm
I grow in Happy Frog
At one month old I top dress with
Dr.Earth 2-2-2,worm castings
And change from Just water to adding mag-cal & Complete Crop 9-5-15 mixed into a tea
At Bloom I change to Alaska Mor-bloom 0-10-10 and Alaska 5-5-1 plus mag cal in the tea and I stop the complete crop
every other day feeding there in 3 gal fabric pots
I’ve been doing this same thing on 16 different strains for two years
All autos I constantly grow year round all autos this is a first maybe just the strain difficult plant

Knowing the PPM runoff is probably the most important aspect in your situation. PPM runoff numbers dictate what your plant needs for its next feed and to maintain sufficient nutrients within the soil.


I checked it Ph runoff is 6.2 and ppm is 963

I would be happy with those numbers.
Then raise the PH of your input water to 6.6PH with 1000PPM going in.
Measure the run-off from the above and post numbers.
My soil is still hot, but plants are doing well.
The best-looking plants got soil flushed as a first full watering, early after up-planting into bags.
A work in progress.

ILGM Afghan Autos in flower.
ILGM Hindu Kush in veg mode.
10-7-2024 seed drop.
11-7-2024 5-gal bags
12-7-2024 Pictured

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I checked, today.
First full water to runoff of soil in 5-gal bag.
Soil is 4 weeks into 5-gal bag

Read these today.

Getting there for 6.5/1200, soon

Numbers to chase.

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