Proper soil for first week or so for germinated autos

First grow and have done research but first question is what soil to use for the first week or so of a germinated auto flower seed.

I have read not to use ANY nutrients during this time.
I have read to plant seed directly into pot that you will grow in after germination because they don’t like to be transplanted.
I will be using Coastal Maine Platinum soil for the rest of the grow in 5 gallon breathable pots.
I assume the coastal Maine will be too much nutrients for that time?
Haven’t seen or read what to use or do for this time period.
Looking for a bagged option if I shouldn’t use the Coastal Maine right away.

Thanks so much for your help in advance!


I planted directly in FFOF in her forever home. Mine are photos but makes no dif. No nutes for 4 to 6 wks.


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Welcome @breakingdad
@beachglass has you covered.
FFOF is considered a “hot” soil but I have also planted the sprouted seed directly in it.
Keep covered with a clear dome until leaves are about to touch the sides.


If a soil is too hot for a seedling, you can start them in a 50/50 mix of the soil and Fox Farm Light Warrior seed starter mix.
If you’re going to start them in a 5 gallon pot, fill it with your soil, but bury a solo cup where you’re going to start your plant. Then pull the solo cup and fill the hole with the 50/50 mix. Your seeds will start in the weaker mix, and by the time roots start reaching the plain soil they’ll be ready to handle it.

That being said, I don’t start my autos in their final pots. I start them in solo cups and transplant them very carefully. There are several threads you can read about transplanting autos. For me, it works out much better that way.


Ffhf is the best soil for autos imo. Never had issues with it

I like to start them in a small cup of straight peat moss and transplant them to a more permanent home with richer soil

I use happy frog from start to finish. I top dress after a few weeks with fox farm fruit and flower 4-9-3.


Thankyou everyone!

I’ll be up and running soon now!


You can also mix up a small amount of 50/50 perlite and FFOF and place that small portion in the center of the pot, where you plant your seed. Whatever Fox Farm soil you do get, should add extra perlite. Myself I do 25% extra perlite.

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Never had a problem going right to COM Stonington