Problem with buds mold

So yeah, I am flushing my plants; the humidity yesterday was 100% (I don’t even know how that works).
Anyway, I found 2 buds with mould. No, I don’t yet have a dehumidifier.
I cleaned them up and researched online, and they said to cut all of the infected cola. Is that the best and only solution? They also suggest using H2O2, dabbing some on the affected area after cleaning and/or spraying the plants with a 3% H2O2.
What’s your advice guys?
Thank you


Depends how bad mold is, if bud has big spots I toss the whole thing, if small spot of mold and when bud is broken up it does not go all way to to center of bud I will cut out bad spot spray with H202 rinse off and dry, it is a personal choice, this yr I just cut the whole bud and toss, not bud limited here this yr!


Thank you for your advise.
Mould starts in the middle of the bud, so yeah, it’s from the centre.
So it’s ok to spray the plants with HO2O? I have a 12% solution; as far as I understand to make a 3% from a 12%, I need to do 1 part H2O2 and 4 parts water.?


Use the 12% here also and cut down to 3-4% ratio 3:1 water/H202, I only spray infected area before I mess with then spray the cut branch stub where the bud was, never sprayed the whole plant, hopefully someone will chime on whole plant spraying, In my (warped Thinking) if you spray whole plant the H202 turns back to inert/water and may cause more issue! Is your mold from Bugs or wet! So far my mold has been from wet not bugs!


Thank you. As far as I know, it’s humidity. The bud was wet inside.
I don’t have pictures and the lights are off now, but I remember years ago growing with another person and the same happened and it was mould from high humidity, I mean, it looks the same, it’s unseasonably warm with up to 100% RH outside


Dealing with it here, raining here with unseasonably warm temps, have one more to chop, its been moved in and out doors for the last 2 weeks, still find small mold spots, suppose to snow tomorrow that is how fast our weather changes here this time of yr 0c for 2 days then 26c for afew days.


Well, they have been talking about climate change for years, and now it’s here.

@StickyFrostyBuds can you chime in? I could do with some more imput here.
Thank you

Sure thing @ACMilan

If the issue is in the middle of your flowers you likely have “Botrytis” AKA “Bud Rot”. You definitely don’t want to consume any plant material contaminated with bud rot. Botrytis is particularly difficult to address, and it can even continue to impact the flowers once you harvest them and hang them to dry.

The first step is to remove the affected areas of any afflicted flowers. I remove anything an inch below and an inch above the affected areas. You want to wear gloves, and be very careful as the spores are likely to land all over other parts of the plant when you remove the afflicted areas. Then treat the entire plant with a peroxide wash.

I have used several products to combat Botrytis (including peroxide), but late in flower it is nearly impossible to treat the issue entirely. In my experience peroxide doesn’t work very well at all. That said, treating your plants with anything this late means you run the serious risk of consuming that products residue…not an appealing risk to entertain IMHO. Personally, I would prefer to “live to smoke another day” vs. risking the consumption of chemical residue.

I have stopped growing outdoors in my geography due to the cool/humid fall weather we typically experience.

best of luck!


Ok, thank you for all those info, appreciate.
When you say remove the effected area, do you mean the all bud? One is a top bud, i removed the brown part and treated it with peroxite, but i could see some of the little stems being brown, lights coming on in a couple of hours, i want to see, i completely darkened the room and left the tend open plus i put 2 more fans. Fingers cross

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I would bend the buds around to look in the center. Any brown I would throw out. I wouldnt chance it. Humidity sucks, maybe add some fans for more airflow.

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Hi, thank you, i did all that, cleaned as much as I could and put 2 more fans.
Lights on in a little while, fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

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@ACMilan I had rot in the main cola discovered during drying. That cola weighed .5 ounces wet. Sorry you are dealing with this.


Without a way to reduce the humidity, the rot is going to continue and ruin your harvest. I’d cut my losses. Harvest now, toss any infected material, and dry what’s left to arrest the rot. Don’t be surprised if some of the salvaged buds turn out to have rot, too.

It’s a super bummer, but better than 100% loss.


Hi, thank you for answering,
I am not sure what I am looking at. Does it get like that after drying?
Because that’s what I am dealing with here.
I cut off the brown part, and because I put 2 more fans, things are much better. I had that on only one plant, a green crack sativa


Thats how the bud looks now.
I had to cut off another smaller one as well and hopefully that’ll be it



Hello and Thank you.
It was one plant 2 buds, and I cut them off ( see the pictures) I put 2 more fans and, left tend open and darkened the room. Humidity went down and they look good, but i’ll keep my eyes peeled on them


I’m sure my began before I chopped it. I hung the whole plane and I think the moisture was driven into the main cola by gravity and fueled more mold growth.

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The problem with botrytis is that it becomes systemic in the plant.
If not dealt with aggressively when first seen , it gets into the pith and spreads throughout.
The last pic you posted I’m seeing a bit more discolouration on the tops of those buds. I’d personally cut a bit more away and reinspect your colas to be sure.
Botrytis can cause a nasty lung infection too that’s difficult to get rid of.
Check the first calyx’ at each node and see if they’ve browned / discoloured.
Usually where I find it first in my experience.

I circled the spots where it generally starts for me.
Humidity here runs close to 90% all summer long.
Best of luck finishing up.


Thank you; that was really helpful.
I’ll check that, bud when the lights come on; I’ll remember to check the nodes as well.
About the humidity in the 90%, do you use a dehumidifier? I want to get one soon but i also got RH down by keeping tent open and more fans. I dropped the ball a few times of lately by opening the tent 1 or 2 hours after the lights came on and i would get RH at 85%, a couple of days outside was 100% RH as well.