Problem with buds mold

What i meant is why is it white?


That’s a different type of mold but still the same end result. Cant be consumed.

On the humidity. Mine were outdoor.
But I’ve had it indoor too and it seemed to start in the same place. The buds fattened up around it and with the 70 plus % i had that grow the buds couldn’t dry out enough.
My indoor runs in the winter need moisture added due to the wood heat. Ends up low 20’s sometimes.



Exactly. My first successful grow and I banked it as a learning experience. Not sure what I could have done to prevent it.


When I’ve got larger colas to deal with , I’ll trim the nuggets from the stem to dry and cure rather than leave the plant whole. Especially if the rh is up.
It will speed up the drying but once the initial 4-5 days are past , I’ll bag and burp to slow things down and usually get a 7-10 day dry time before jarring up for longer cure and storage.
I lay mine out on a screen , by the way , with a small 4 in desk fan just barely moving the air over them.


Thanks @Oldguy. I saw many just hang the whole plant so when in Rome… you know what I mean. I have a Vivosun 3 level drying rack I can use next dry. Have a great Friday and a better weekend


Hope you have a good one too @T-ray
Stay safe.


Just got finished dealing with bud rot myself and she was an indoor plant. The upper cola was so dense. Started to separate the top buds to let airflow through is when I found it. Then found a little on the bottom colas. Cut away every thing around the infected area. Looks like I started the mold process by pulling a leaf from the bud but the stem stayed behind. All together I lost about 5 to 7 grams of bud so far. All the rest is drying. I’ll see if I find anymore after the dry.


Thank you again for all your input.

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Yes, the density of the bud is really what makes it so easy to rot. The first bud I cleaned was literally drenched inside.

Exactly, trial and error they say, thumb :+1:


@Oldguy Is this a sign of botrytis or do you think its just “amber” trichs on calyxs?
*Also the black dots on the trichs is something Ive never seen on any of my plants in the last 5 years… Ive read everything from they are harmless to it may be mold or fungus…any thoughts ?

I need to try and get a better pic of it… after wash and during wet trim I noticed the look of these were different from my first batch ( same plant) I was waiting for more of the amber to appear so I let the other parts of the plant go a little linger ( a few weeks)…
Ive seen other plants in the past have a rust or amber hue but never thought about it looking or being mold,just a more mature /later amber harvest color ?


Morning @AL_GREEN
I can’t say for sure what’s going on with your plant. Not seen the black like what’s on your trics. That said I’ve had them go purple there at times.

This is what the start of the rot looks like for me.
The calyx go a tan / gray colour and as the buds form tightly together this starts the rot process when they don’t dry out enough.
Once enclosed by the rest of the bud , it’s got the perfect environment to spread , out of site till it shows a yellowed leaf or such.
These are the very first calyx to form on the plant so also the oldest ones and most susceptible to decay.


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@Oldguy Ah ! Okay Hmm I have seen some of the calyxs have that tanish look but not gray …It doesn’t seem to effect the buds though? Damn I hope it isn’t /wasn’t the start of Botrytis …The rest of the buds look okay? …So was that plants buds you pictured infected? Did you toss it out cut off the bad part…I wish there was some “test” kit or something to make it definitive either way…
Thanks for your input…


That plant did have some rot. And yes I removed those spots before jarring up.
Hope it shows how invasive rot can be.



I am just going to throw it out there but, you sure isnt just the strain?

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Very good question…after seeing and reading about this I was freaking out …I NEVER had a bud rot or mold or botrytis problem since I started growing only some Caterpillar stuff…
I never got a jewelers loop (been saying I was for years now :rofl:) But I have a phone camera with an add on macro clip on lens that helps some but I need a super macro usb camera to really see…
But to answer your question: I was thinking the same thing…It looks “rusty” and amber color from the naked eye but when I got a magnifying glass that has a light on it (for reading small print) I used the super small and thick lens to look at the buds…and Ill be damned at when you look at it you can see all the separate trichomes are very amber color…so hundreds and hundreds of amber color trichomes look “rusty” to the naked eye but individually look like amber trichs…
and this Romulan strain is of Columbian- Mexican & Thai which all can be darker strains…so good call @ACMilan …I hope you and I are right…I dont wanna get a lung disease :sneezing_face:
Heres a pic best I can get with what Ive got… :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:


Yes many thanks for pointing that out…Most of us or I should speak for myself I guess …look out for regular mold signs like Wpm or white mold etc. that Ive never dealt with because of my Mediterranean type climate Ive grown this Romulan strain before without problems albeit I wasn’t as learned the last and first time in 2021 so this baby got fat dense buds …hence the possible problem with it? …I’m still on the fence and keep going back and forth with it…I dont think its botyritis or mold but Im going to look into it before I smoke,Its in cure so I have a ways to go.Thanks for your help…we shall see?