Powdery Mildew or something else? Pls help!

Hey guys, it’s been awhile since I’ve been around, been doing my own thing on and off since I’ve been here last. Had something happen that gave me a scare, so I went dark for awhile.
In a new grow I have going I’m seeing something that looks to be powdery mildew, but not 100% it is that.
Here is a picture of each plant.

One is a gold leaf fem and the other is a Maui wowie fem, both from ILGM. Both were soaked in water in Christmas Eve, both lost their helmets on New Year’s Eve. They look wet in the pictures I know, I was watering when I took the pictures.

Here’s what I’m working with:
2x4 tent
Ac infinity exhaust fan with 67 controller
2 monkey fans on opposite corners of tent circulating air
ILGM Gold Leaf Fem, ILGM Maui Wowie fem
Happy frog soil
Humidifier is a newer one for me, I got the ink bird reptile fogger which worked pretty good my last grow.
Temps run 76 max down to 68 low, average of 73
Rh is 59% max down to 39% low, average of 52%
I was running the rh in the 40s during the finishing of my last grow when I started these alongside the finishing ones. Once those were done I increased the rh% up to 52%.

I’m looking for advice on what to do if it is indeed PM. I’m also looking for advice if you guys think it’s even worth finishing these.
I just found out this week that we are going on a 2 week vacation at the end of March. No one will be around to watch the plants so they’ll be on their own during that time. Up until last night I was thinking of just flipping them to flower and see if they finish before I leave and if not, let them buck while I’m gone and hopefully they’ll finish and dry on the stem while I’m gone.
Now with this development I’m wondering if that’s even worth it. I’m debating if I should just scrap these now, clean the tent and all equipment over the next 2 months and start fresh after vacation.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

@Nicky @kellydans @IP54
It’s been awhile, hope all is well with you guys. you guys always had good input before, hoping you guys could help me out again or point me to those that could :slight_smile:
Thanks I’m advance!


First off I think I am seeing some aphids there, the other thing I am seeing, I think, is the effect of water droplets drying on the leaves… Just my thoughts without magnification.


These are ultrasonic devices that aerosolize minerals in tap water. You are going to experience white dust with it unless you are using distilled or RO water in the fogger.

I don’t think you have WPM.


Thanks for the tag welcome back ! Personally I do not see white powder mildew.


I believe you nailed it.

I almost never see wpm on young plants in veg. It’s more of a mid to late flower deal.


@Caveman86 When I enlarge the 1st photo I think I see one or 2 of them, could just be the shape of the droplets or distortion from enlarging a magnified photo will tell. .

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You can automate your watering with a digital timer, aquarium pump, a black/yellow tote and some tubing.


Looks like your taken care of here but yes if your using a humidifier with tap water that’s exactly where they white spects are coming from. I had the same issue. Happy growing.


Blowing up looks like little white rings left behind by mist droplets. From a fine spray or humidifier


Also what will really help with them specs is cleaning your fans really well them water droplets get caught in the dust on your fans and it blows all over your plants check your fans out I bet you will see a white film over the dust particles on the fan if you look closely.

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Thanks again guys, I moved the humidifier line and have it running into a jar on the ground now. Before I had it going up in the air.
I appreciate it big time!
@Myfriendis410 any other ideas besides automating it? At the moment I don’t have the room to add a reservoir in my closet. I was thinking of buying those self watering globes and putting a few of those in each plant, but not really sure how well that would work.

You should be able to determine your watering interval and how much is needed during that interval you’re gone. If you can manage it without watering then you should be good. Otherwise you really don’t have a choice but to find a way to water during your absence. Even a 5 gallon bucket can be a rez.

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Hey brutha, great to hear from you again! Hope all is well. I’m not in the white dust camp here, I run 3 tents with humidifiers 24/7/365 running tap water and never had that issue…yet I get the white dust in my bedroom where I run an ultrasonic humidifier. I say that because the same water should do the same thing. Does it wipe off cleanly from the leaves like the white powder does from furniture when that happens in the house?

I think you have something else going on there. When I had something similar, it turned out to be an insect larva infestation in my soil. Spotted leaves, leaf tips turning yellow, yet kept growing…looks like my last grow in it’s early stages. I thought it was a deficiency of some sorts or an over doing of some nutrient…raked my brain for weeks & weeks before I figured it out. I’m not saying this is your issue, but it sure looks familiar to me. Maybe I’m still traumatized by it! :rofl:

Hopefully the ILGM crew will figure this out for you. @Hellraiser …any ideas? You’ve pretty much seen it all!


Good to hear from you dude, hope all the grows I missed of yours you killed it on!
The dust does wipe off easily and sort of rubs away in your fingers.
I cleaned the tent the other day after posting this and repositioned my humidifier line so it isn’t blowing up into the air, but now runs into a jar on the floor. Creates a different problem now as I have to empty a jar full of water nightly, but the white stuff is gone. I think, fingers crossed.
@Joe318 was right about my fans. They were covered in it.
I wiped down everything in my tent and all the equipment with a hydrogen peroxide and water mix, then put it all together again and let er rip.
I haven’t noticed anymore of the white flakes around or any bugs flying around.
Water night tonight so I’ll be in there for a little longer taking a better look, but I’m thinking it was from the humidifier I got.
I’ll let you know what I find.


Yeah doesn’t look like PM, not splotchy enough, too uniform, looks like what I would expect with a ultrasonic humidifier using tap water, mineral deposits. Use RO or distilled water in the humidifier to avoid that or use an evaporative humidifier.

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Its spider mites i can tell you that just by looking at the picture ive been battling them for almost a mth now ihave a plant that look just like this but its in flower will post a picture