Is it ok to use 3 gallon pots for autoflowers? Will that really reduce their yeild?
I used 7gallon cloth pots on my first auto batch I grew, and they did not use the whole bags…and being a newbie, I only filled them to about 6-8" from the top edge of the bag!
I cut the cloth bags 6-8" down so plants would have light, better ventilation. So if I want to reuse those cut cloth bags, can I just use duct tape to tape up the vertical 6-8" cut I put in them on two sides if the bag? Thank you!
Bro its a cloth bag sow it up
Sew? My hands have arthritis so bad, even weed doesn’t stop that pain all the time! I’m and old man. But thanks for the suggestion.
I grow autos and use 3 gal planters, I have also tried 5 gal and 2 gal. Not a lot of difference that I can see.
My average is just under 4 oz per plant regardless of the pot size. My last grow, I had 2 of the same plant 1 in 3 gal and 1 in 2 gal. The 2 gal actually gave me about 1/2 oz more finished bud. The real limit is based on the light footprint. About 100g per sq meter is about average.
Maybe staples instead to help reinforce along with tape.
Get some of that flex seal tape. That stuff is pretty amazing.
I use 15 gallon fabric bags and if you put enough soil in you absolutely have no reason to cut them. Just saying…
For autos I have used 5 gallon, and 3 gallon fabric pots and really haven’t seen a yield difference. So either one of them will work. Depends on your space and training techniques. Good luck
You smoking too much?
Buy new pots dude
Yes, I know that now. Thank you.
I use what I have, if I can. Have you noticed that there’s an inflation thing going on right now, Birdman2
I use five gallon fabric pots and the autos use every little bit of the bag
You could take ur fabric pots to a place where they do alterations on clothes they should be able to sow it up for you .i average 9-10 ounces off one auto flower the least i get is six ounces and this grow im doing now the gorilla glue auto im doing is going to yield ten or more ounces for sure i do alot of training with lst and i fim my plants which helps with more main colas and bud sites aswell as defoliation and lollipopping
You’ll do great with 3 gallon fab pots, all I use and get great yields
Welcome to the community ! I have rolled some of the larger bags down a couple inchs in the past to Accommodate what I needed. Good luck
Could I see a pic of your GG? I’m doing one that is on day 41. It started showing pistils 9 days ago, and seems like the buds are coming on pretty slowly, or I’m just impatient. Also notice mine droops a couple of hours before the lights go off (16/8).
I suggest next time you roll the grow bag down once about 3 inches as i did for all my 5 gallon pots, like a cuff. Being new to growing i expected my autos to get a bit taller so i unknowingly planted them to low.
Thanks, they look pretty similar other than yours are a little further along.