Hello! Im a new grower growing auto flowers (girl scout cookies extreme, purple kush, and a random seed i found in a nug from the dispo:sweat_smile:) im about 4-5 weeks in and ive encountered my first problem the rando seed is doing good from the top but the bottom is droopy i think? I dont think i over or under water it i give it about a cup of water a day and mist it with a mister. I also didnt use any nutrients so i dont think its that. I also dont really test my ph but i do know my tap water ph level is 7. I also dont know if its actually droopy . But also i dont really know how to grow yet so please help!!
Hey buddy, welcome
What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
Indoor or Outdoor
Light system
Temps; Day, Night
Humidity; Day, Night
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
Co2; Yes, No
Fill out as much as you can and that will help everyone help you. First thing to address would be your pH. It needs to be down closer to 6.5 and 6.0 if youre in coco. Lots of help here. Looks like a good start.
Welcome to the forum.
Drooping is normal. Notice the cyclic drooping in the following video. It occurs most frequently around watering time or lights on or off.
Misting can cause a couple of problems. The only time a cannabis plant should ever be sprayed with anything is if absolutely necessary to treat mold or bugs.
Apera and Bluelab both make good meters. You will eventually need to test and manage both pH and PPM.
You should find this helpful:
Hello w3lcome Renben leaves touching soil get sick, remove them.
No biggie, plqnt looks good!
Yes time to stop spray-misting.
Th3 support ticket @SausageMahoney shared is useful now and informs for future, steps to be taken. Thanks Saus
Happy gardening
Seed type- the seed is from a hyprid nug from the dispo and just started growing it😅
Soil-fox farms happy frog
Vessles-a milk jug but i am going to transfer to a 5 gal in a couple days
Ph- 7 and i have like a table spoon of runoff
Nutrients-N/A i dont have any nutrients but planning on getting root organics terps tea
Temp- its a steady 73 degrees fahrenheit day and night
Humidity- N/A im not to sure😅
Ventilation- N/A (planning on getting one soon though)
I have no ac, humidifier and dehumidifier
So the leaves touching soil i should cut off?
Yes, snip the petiole (leaf stalk) or snippin off half the leaf works too.
Hey edited for, take the whole leaf if browning. Disease prevention.
Welcome to the forum!! You’ll find great guidance here. Definitely a learning curve.
Welcome. I’m new to growing as well. This is a great place to learn and grow.
What light are you running?