Help!! What’s going on here, is this mag deficiency
Looks like something got splashed on that one leaf: plant looks fine.
Out of my experience I’d be doing exactly what you just done.
Put out an soap call lol.
Hope you get it sorted.
If it’s confined to just one leaf then it is likely just a splash on the leaf if it spreads then might be hungry.
Predictive text. Soap was ment to read sos in post number 2.
Hope you getting it sorted.
It’s on a few leaves at the bottom, I was thinking it could be potassium deficiency, as I’ve recently transplanted it from 5g to 7 gallon, my ppm run off was 950 first week of flowering, ph was 6.4
Need some serious help, I’d gone away for about 8 days without watering, but I’ve watered twice since then, but the leafs keep on getting yellow, now brown spots, about 4 weeks into flower on this critical xxl strain, my last ppm run off was 820, ph was 5.7 run off but watering with 6.3ph. I’m adding cal mag into my feed, using advanced nutrients, my tent temp is 24-26c and humidity is 44-50%. Please any help will do @MattyBear @Myfriendis410 @SheilaT
You wanna get that runoff up into the 6’s. You are locking out some nutrients at the root zone. Runoff ppms aren’t bad, maybe a little low for flower
Yes I think that is sound advice👍
Just remember; look to new growth for signs of improvement. Damaged leaves will not recover.
Also, I’d remove the super beat up looking leaves. Your plant doesn’t need those older fan leaves at this stage