Brown Spots not Nutrient burn, fungus, or cal-mag deficient?

Hey guys, so I posted a forum like this a while ago, turned out to be a nitrogen deficiency but this time i’m not so convinced. This time I’ve been keeping strict track of my ppms and pH both going in and coming out when I water. These spots (pictures below) started showing up maybe a week or two ago. I tried remedying with added nutes and cal-mag to see if that would fix it but that didn’t seem to change much. I don’t think it’s nutrient burn because the tips of my leaves aren’t burned and I’m not convinced its a fungus either because I have a Candy Kush plant right next to this AK and all of those leaves look fine and have shown no signs of anything similar happening. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Today is watering day so I’m thinking about maybe giving a flush about half the ppms and then giving it a good feed next time. I’ll include screenshots of my watering notes in the pictures below as well! (the section about the leaves perking back up in my notes was related to my last forum I posted)

Have you given it any Calcium or Magnesium up to this point?
If not, that might be the issue.

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Yes, I’ve been supplementing Cal-Mag during my non feed waters, you can reference the pictures of my watering notes to see. Usually give it 1/4-1/2 a tsp per gallon but maybe I should give more

Be careful about overwatering too. The symptoms can look oddly enough like one another so it’s just something to be mindful about.

If you’re watering regularly and fear overwatering, just add a day between waterings. One day won’t hurt because the plant can draw water from fan leaves if it’s dire for some hydration.