Please help me identify this issue. Should I pull the plug?

I have 3 autos of different strains planted at the same time.
I had an outage, light cycle shifted approx. 8-10hrs, and my seedlings got stunted and almost died.

Never encountered this issue before. Tried googling, accidental reveg leaf simptoms seem the closest, but not sure if it can even happen that early. Maybe lack of airflow or some virus?

Please help me figure out what could cause this so I can prevent it in the future.

Am I better off pulling the plug? 2/3 seem to be recovering but growth slowed down significantly.

(Yes, I “mulch” with perlite, works against thrips.)

Thanks, much love!

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That outage won’t affect the growth in those autos. Why is the top of the medium covered in perlite…it works and aids in drainage when it’s blended. Need more info to go on Growmie. Medium using, feeding or watering routine, temps and RH in the grow space :love_you_gesture:


Thanks for the reply!
I use soil, bottom half plagron batmix, top half lightmix (never had issue with this before). Those have perlite already in them for air.
~76°F, 60% RH.
I never gave them anything but water at this point.
I water with declorinated tapwater with one of those sprays when needed, never until runoff. I used to ph, but not anymore, never had an issue.
I used to have a huge infestation of thips, found that mulching with perlite interupts their lifecycle, highly recommend it.