Figured I’d start my second topic on “researching” some beautiful Golden Teacher (SPRES101) mushrooms and will document my journey here using a modified PF Tek method…might be actual PF Tek but not sure as I am not one to read insurrections thoroughly so we’re going to go for it!
While I do have some jars already going that my friend assisted me with (B+) this GT grow will be 100% all me! Luckily I had most of the equipment already! Okay ILGM let’s get it!
Adding (2) cups of vermiculite to the mix I slowly added (1) cup of water while stirring the mix till it had good consistent moisture thought light but was not dripping, this is where I may have gone astray as the BRF was not fully dry
With the jar lid flipped upside down, screwed nice and snug and then backed off a 1/4 turn and then covered in aluminum foil (prevents water dropping from top of pot) I placed all six jars in the pressure cooker and sterilized them at 15psi for 90 minutes (1.5 hr)
I don’t have any pictures of inoculation of the golden teacher but it’s pretty straight forward, be as sterile as possible and try to minimize moving particles at this stage. The pic above is just over 1 week of the B+ jars that I inoculated last Sunday.
A couple of those jars look like normal mouth??
Are you going to fruit from the jar?
Wide mouth jars let you “birth” the cakes.
Could be just the pics fn with me
Well you did say wide mouth above but they are tapered, no?
They are considered wide mouth… I can’t find any around here that are straight except small ones. the big “wide Mouth” are impossible to birth from, once the mycelium set in, you have to spoon it out… that or smack the jars around enough that it falls out in small chunks.
Haha yeah just the box! This is my first time cultivating I mean researching the mushrooms but definitely enjoying the process so far, much different than cannabis