Plants were fine before lights out

My two plants leaves had good turgor pressure prior to lights out. The only change I’ve done is increase the lighting intensity because the Photo Bio par meter arrived today( had approximately 3 hours of 485 pfd up from 220pfd). I don’t know if I need to slowly increase the lighting instead of going right to that because my first grow. But again before lights out the leaves had the normal upright look. Lights out was 4 hours.

Is it the lights or needs to be watered? Soil still feels moist to the touch and I watered 2-3 days ago.

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Plants adopt a ‘guarding’ posture ahead of lights out and right after lights on. Plants are fine.


This happens often? I check my plants a fair bit and always before/after lights, have yet to see this behavior.

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My girls always droop a lil before lights out and then when lights come on theyll perk right back up. Any changes in light intensity will take a few days to adjust. Also remember that heat increases with light increase.


Can I just go right to where I want it or should it be a gradual thing?


If youre going from 250 to 500 youll be fine.


I have a critical auto that droops a bunch just before lights out. :v::blush:

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This was after lights on

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I frequently mis-read the droop and begin to over-water.
“Hard” droop is easy to recognize and initiate watering recovery.


Is there a way to tell the difference between the two because I was going to water again and over water for sure.

They wilt completely (and will recover, if treated before too long or 36-hrs).

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