I’ve been growing these for 11 days and I got them as clones I top them last week but for some reason they just don’t seem to be doing very good. 1 has leaves that are curling in the other one the leaves are starting to Yellow. I’m using Happy Frog as soil and was told it should have enough nutrients in it for a month of growing.
Im not sure but Happy Frog i think is a seedling soil. Very soft- low to no nutes. Depending on the age of the mother of ur clones. They may need nutes. Wait for confirmation from the pros tho.
And all clones get a little rough looking. You want to keep them alive and have new healthy new growtb
The yellow one needs nitrogen and some calmag probably wouldn’t hurt
They have a calcium deficiency, try adding some Cal Mag.
Thanks for the advice I’ll go hunt some down today
Epsom salts. one teaspoon a gallon of water.
Is the Epson salt a replacement for calcium / magnesium? Cuz I went out and bought some cal-mag
You can use either. Cost may be different. Cal mag has added sulfur. Recover from Magnesium Deficiency with your Marijuana Plants!
What are you using for water?
Tap water left out and ph to 6.5
I’m thinking because I used 2 parts happy frog to 1 part coco coir and that might be why I have a deficiency
Yes, you’re right, using the coco coir will most likely lead to deficiencies, but the Call Mag wil fix her right up.
How long do you think it should take for them to get back on their feet
You should see improvement in the new growth, the damaged leaves will not recover.
Danny boy. How the clones looking?
After dealing with the cal/mag deficiency the plants are getting back on track after being stunted for a little bit. I am now continuing with LST training and update after Labor Day Holiday when I put them on 12/12
Did u use and rooting hormones or aloe plant leaves. Ive dipped and dabbled. No gels or powders but my aloe clones would have made it if i soiled them sooner. Bit of aloe n i believe we have a winner. For nexttime