Plant with brown spots?

Buddy is using one of my boxes and has these weird spots. Anyone know what these could be? My thought is some kind of pest?

Could be aphids. Thrips typically leave white spots, and not a trail.
Regardless it’s a pest of some kind.

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Thanks for the response. I agree some kind of pest, you think thripes? I have not seen what thripe damage is before,but I’ll check that out.

I don’t think it’s thrips, it’s a pest that chews on the lead.

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@Covertgrower yea had I read your comment carefully I would have seen that you had said probably not thripes. Thank you for the info!

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Kinda looks like some sort of leaf miner.

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He ended up finding some kind of caterpillar? Either way I told him to get captain Jacks spray and spray it all over
The plant 5 minutes before lights out. Hopefully he will be good after 3 days of that.

Glad you found culprit!

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