I’ve just looked at a few posts and I think that thrips have got a hold on my plants, just need to to be sure
this is what they looked like a week agoAnd now
I’ve just looked at a few posts and I think that thrips have got a hold on my plants, just need to to be sure
this is what they looked like a week agoSorry to hear of this.
What medium are you in? Are those auto pots or hydro?
If it’s hydro it looks like it’s not getting enough air. I have had thrips, they never made the plant look like that.
When I’ve had thrips, you could always tell by the silvery markings on the leaves, are you seeing anything like this?
Hey all, new to the forum. Read how to put up a new post but there was not an option from what I saw in the beginners how to post thread so sorry about thread jacking…
I have the same issue with my leaves as the pic above and have sprayed the 1st round of dead bug brew. But I saw two of these this morning and not sure if that is a mature thripe or something else that may or may not be an issue.
Anyone recognize this? Thanx.
That’s not a thrip, no idea what that is, maybe it’s feeding on the thrips.
Thanx for the reply, I didn’t see any damage to the leaf after he left. If he is feeding on thripes, buffet is open
Does this look like I’m dealing with thripes? Thanx again!
Yep, thrips or a similar bug, if you’re still in veg I’d go with neem oil or spinosad spray to kill them (spray with lights off or when they start their dark cycle).
Thanx for the assistance, in veg outdoors spinosad at dusk it is!