Hey first time ver growing. Honestly don’t know what I’m doing besides my research on google/YouTube research lol. But that one leaf down bottom is brown on the tip, plus there’s very slight yellow spots and white spots. Im wondering if its pests possible thrips? or a nutrition problem? or leaf septoria/ yellow leaf spot? Anything would help preesh
What are you growing in looks dry.
fox farm ocean forest. I had watered after these pics were taken
There’s no need to worry about the bottom leaves. It’s normal for them to yellow and fall off as the plant matures.
No need to worry about a few spots either. Blemishes come and go. You’ll drive yourself crazy if you worry about every one of them. Your plant looks great.
preesh homie! my gf said the same thing
The bottom leaf, i would pull it to not stress your plant any longer, but the spots I would not ignore. I would use my jewelers loupe and scan every inch of my plant and then I would incorporate a PMS (pest management system)
Im with the gf relax and enjoy the grow✌️
Dam @MidwestGuy i was interested in the explanation…lol
I deleted it because I was being a provocative jerk, but c’mon now, For a hobby grower on his first grow?
It’s best not to scare new growers off with advanced techniques where they have no idea what it means and has no real effect on a grow. It’s best to keep it simple and get the basics nailed before we move on to more sophisticated techniques.
I hear ya bro found it as unusual All in good humor!
I tend to like your sense if humor, but im glad you refrained puttin the cart before the horse!
@Cl5 what strain? Auto or photo ? What soil ? They look great! How old?
Spraying your plants to avoid bugs is an advanced grow technique? Personally when I was first learning (still learning to this day) but I wanted real info and real help from the beginning. I would have loved someone to tell me to spray my plants rather than lose an entire crop to caterpillar poop that turns to bud rot.
Truly sorry if I hurt your ego. And a pest management system plays a huge part in a successful grow.
Plant look nice that single leaf at the bottom I wouldn’t’ worry about it if anything cut it off. Be sure not to under water. Keep Em Growing
Thanks for clarifying what you meant.
I’m sorry, I thought most people understood when I put the acronym in parentheses
basically what I meant, but there are other ways to manage pests also which including predatory bugs as an example.
If you google “cannabis pest management system” what you get in the search results is complicated solutions for large commercial grows and a lot of EPA regulatory information.
imho it’s probably best to keep it simple with new growers with little knowledge.
Thank you for sharing. My opinion is that I treat everyone as an adult that is curious. People can choose how far to take their curiosity. And that’s not all you can find if you google, btw.