Plant size and when to flower question

So, I’m thinking I’m close to doing the flip to flower. The girls are from seed germinated August 7th. Measuring from the base of the stalk, they are between 16 and 20" tall. My 5x5x80" tent is filling up nicely. Are they old enough/big enough? Thanks!


I would flip now, after those stretch they will fill up your tent given the size they are at now, let’s see what other members say

  • Flip now
  • Flip in a week
  • Flip in two weeks

0 voters


I would wait another week to flip, but I like big bushy plants.


They are ready to flip. They could go longer.

Be aware the Flower stretch will often double the vertical height.


This is genius :joy: smart move TDub


They Look great!
Curious to see what others have to say, was wondering that myself though I’m easily two weeks out. Same size tent, I only did 4 plants on 600w hid. What kind of lighting are you using? and strain/s?
Best of luck!


Thanks! @Mote. Hortilux 400w metal halide in a sun systems hood. 4 ilgm strains…Blue Dream, Chocolope, Purple Haze and California Dream.

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Very Nice, that’s a great mix. Got my eye on that Cali Dream.
Looking forward to a great blooming.
Have fun!

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@TDubWilly thanks for the reply and for the kick ass poll! Great idea thank you!

How’d you make the poll???

Thanks for the replies and for the poll! Monday is going to be the flip.

I would bend that tall one in the back and wait a week to flip so your canopy’s evens a little more

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Hi, I’m a newbie, and have no clue as too what I’m doing but I wanted to experiment growing some weed, so I order some seeds AK47, northern lights, northern lights turn out to be male but were some beautiful plants, my ak47 turn out to be female I believe, I’m having hard time telling what’s going on with them, I have some photos if anyone could help me out here and let me know what I need to do or not to do these plants are just a closet grow!! about 3 months old, auto flowering I think!!


Looks like you have a female.

You got a female that’s not an auto flower though you would have monster buds by 3 months old