Over night I noticed some of my pistils have started to turn a darker color. Does this mean i need to start watching my tricloms close or have I got a ways to go? Sorry for the newbie question. This is my first ever grow. Its been roughly 4 weeks since the first signs of flowering. Mystery seeds also.
Thanks guys. Its hell being a noob at this stuff. Ive really found me a new hobby though. All you guys and gals have made it a real enjoyable experience. I wish more people in the world was like you guys. Everyone is always quick to help and not make a newbie like me feel stupid. Love all you guys.
Thanks again.
Everyone here is cool and helpful. Always feel free to ask questions. I can show people how to take a single seed and yield almost a pound of amazing bud. Any questions, feel free to ask me.
You may also consider a microphone stand (cheap one). The microscope is great but the slightest movement makes it blurry. The cheap mic stand helps.