This change happened over a 18 hour period from lights out last night to this afternoon around 2pm. Only on about 5-6 leaves on 2 of my 3 plants. I did install new HLG 600 fixture and both are under that directly it’s 22” above at 100% power for the last 3 days.
Day 16 since the flip so will be needing more PK
Just watered them yesterday tap Ph to 6.7
Top dressed each with epsom salt, eggs shell powder 2 TBSP of each for each
Also top with BTi granular for gnats before watering. I added DTE root growth enhancer to water as well ( mycorrhizae strains) the EC of the water after adding the mycorrhizae was 500 my tap is 250.,…
run off was 6.4 and EC 4000 (2000 ppm at the 500 scale)
I have Dry Down to Earth amendments and thinking to top dress with their fish bone meal 3-16-0 (available phosphate 16% calcium 14%) along with Langbeinite (soluble potash 21.5% Mg 10.8% sulfur 22% the Lang can be mixed with water and foliar apply or watered in. The fish is top dress per instructions. I’m thinking both these at 50% stengrh the next water which is about 2 days.
Side note - I was in there after lights out last night and had just filled my nicotine vapor pen but forgot to close the top and I noticed spots on tent floor while in there and wiped it up and closed my top lid to vape…I also had to rearrange a plant and it was one of them so maybe I spilled oil on those affected leaves but this theory is just that as that’s the only other thing this would be if not nutrient issue.
Other than the few leaves the plant looks good. From all the reading I’ve done, I haven’t seen or read where deficiency’s appear basically overnight. Right now I’d side with you on the spillage.
You’ll need to back that light off. You can probably flower at that range if plants are hardened properly, but they’ll need sone time to acclimate to that kind of intensity.
I still would be a little puzzled for leaves to go from green to that overnight. I would be curious to Will’s thoughts on your nutrient load, he’s a lot more familiar with that stuff.
Thanks…will turn the light down to 75% for a couple days to see @dbrn32
So @boardsbird with the added light I guess the plants will be consuming nutrients faster as they are growing faster or at least have more light food which causes quicker use of nutrients like calcium and magnesium?
I had thought about that the other day and makes sense to me…slow growth slow uptake etc
@ bubblehead lol that’s my thumb finger leaf eater…sometimes I just clip a leaves finger off to expose lower buds to light instead of removing entire leaf…
But yes I do have some little bastard taking a small bite or 2 out of a leaf or 2 every night or so…annoying but have never seen anything on leaves and it’s minor…way less than what I remove daily…lol
I’m still formulating my own directions for amounts with my ingredients as I’m using dry stuff from DTE mostly and I have yet to find a feeding schedule out there feeding this way. Have also been using a tea brew for about half the waterings but didn’t the last 2 waters as my runoff ppm were high…that’s why some of my leaf tip ends are showing burn…ever so slightly at the very ends and sporadically.
side note - my original soil mix included miracle grow potting soil and it’s time release shit had been dancing with me since the beginning of the grow…been 78 days not sure how long the little exploding chemical fert nuggets last in there?
Yep that is not a deficiency. That my friend is a airbourne fungus. Add water and rub it with your fingers and watch it run like rust.
Cut off affected leaves and foliar spray plant with 50/50 aloe water mix. Its still very early flower so its ok to foliar spray up to 2 weeks into flower. That doesnt include preflower.
Well I removed all the leaves or parts that had the brown rust color on them. I also ran water on the one finger with a lot of brown and nothing came off when I rubbed it.
About 3 hours later I noticed new rust color up top on new leaf
So I’m not sure if it’s rust mold/fungi or a deficiency or an excess…
Looked at these photos again and could also be something other than rust or phosphorus etc.
Any thoughts as to what’s starting to happen so I can take corrective action. I just mixed up a bloom recipe using the instructions on the DTE dry ingredients at 1/2 strength they recommended.
Fish bone meal 3-16-0 plus seabird guano 0-11-0, Langbeinite 0-0-22 and Humic acid so if it’s a deficiency I’m ready to apply as a top dress and then water in a day or 2 when it’s time.
Temps 78f day 72f night
Humidity is between 38-45%
These have been consistent for a week or so.
I will try Aloe from my Aloe plant and rub on it to see.
Will do some cleaning and see if there is some brown residue as well.
I would say all those big fan leaves in that reigon have brownish middle seams on the leaves. Take a close look and compare to other sections of the plant.