My First Growth Journal

Hello all,

Updating my growing pains…lol and other stuff.
A couple days ago I saw a copper/rust colored spots on several of my leaves and am trying to deal with this…
Here is the link to the new topic i posted the other day.

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I was thinking it was a nutrient issue but it was pointed out that it may be leaf rust and I coated the affected areas of the leaves on the pineapple and WWX with aloe Vera leaf juice. I will keep a close eye on this situation for sure.

On a lighter note:
In my tent with the materials used in making the tent put me in a dead zone for wireless signal. I had an extra router so I set that one up in the next room as a signal booster and now my signal in the tent is strong…yea!

I started a fresh brew of aerated compost tea to water my big and small plants in a day or so. Here is what I use to brew.
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Here are some pics of my new seedlings and my clones.
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The 2 now in dirt had a great root system but the 2 still in the clone bucket have not been cooperative. One may make it though. I can always soak a couple seeds of the Waikiki Queen as the one I have in flower smells and tastes wonderful and I think I’ll want more.

Here is my collection of organic nutrients that I use by themselves or as a mix either by top dressing the soil or making a tea. I will also be using these to build my own super soil for the future and as amendments to my outside vegetable grows this spring.
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I’ll update things soon and thanks for watching, following, commenting and all!