Ph lock out?!? help

Ph Lock out?!? I was seeing a major nutrient deficiency and realized my ph pen was off so I re calibrated. Ph water flushed all the ladies yesterday, gave some cal mag as well. They are already looking better. Ordered some great white root booster and some re charge. The big girls( photo periods) wk 4 veg. are in coco and the littles are In wk 3 from germinate in a mix of ff ocean forest soil and coco. Should I wait another day to feed them; was thinking starting at like 1/4 strength ff trio nutes. My other option is I can brew compost tea from the chicken/duck shit in the coop. Any advice is appreciated. Much love y’all!image image image image image

Welcome to the forum. The lime green growth is rapid growing, and will turn a darker green after a week. Normal lighting will help better next time.

Thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated.

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Anytime! We are all here to help you grow.