Just started in the hobby and might value people’s input on this one. My plant has reached 4 weeks since sprouting but leaves have started drooping and stopped growing a few days ago (see pictures). I’ve listed relevant details below and would value ideas in terms of what could be wrong here… I suspected overwatering but seems like my soil PH is off too (at ~7.5 in last run off) despite PH balancing at each watering…
Strain: Purple Haze Photo feminized, 4 weeks since sprouting
Growth medium: Soil with ~30% perlite and ~10% worm cast, growing in 3 gallon fabric pots (transferred from seedling cup about 10 days ago).
Conditions: Keeping day time VPD at ~0.8 and night time VPD ~1.
Watering: Have watered until now with filtered tap water (ppm ~120, ph ~6.1-6.7) every 2-3 days since veg. Progressively increasing amounts to ~700ml at last watering (which gave me ~150ml of run off water). Have just started giving light nutes at last watering (Biovega + CalMag at ~200ppm).
Lights: 18 hours of light per day cycle, set at currently ~420 ppfd.
I’ve read Nitrogen deficiency can cause both progressive yellowing of bottom leaves AND increased PH. Does it look like it? Feels like a bit early for a nitrogen dificiency but not sure how much there was in the soil to start with tbh…
Any help or ideas will be helpful at this stage guys…
There are soils , and then there are soils…
What particular brand of soil are you using?
To me ,it looks like nutrient deficiency, could also be Ph…Lockout issue
I am thinking that has slow release fertilizer,
I would give it a feed and see how it goes…
Nothing wrong with seasol as an additive ,worked well for me last year but the slow release fertilizer soils are tricky to use for me.
You should be able to save her…I have had worse than that.
Plant needs watering, and more frequently. Watering in a circle around, about 6cm out from the stem, will encourage root growth.
Soil should feel moist, a knuckle in. Water it once until you get run off, and she should do great.
If it were me (so take it with a grain of salt) I’d transplant into a cannabis friendly soil like happy frog or ocean forest, and problem will resolve itself.
Soil def is dry. Water her good. Slow release feed is no bueno for cannabis. If you were able to water to runoff and do a tds test, it would be more informative. Slow release nutes will be hard to get rid of even with a flush or 8. Good luck brother, try a more cannabis friendly soil on the next run. Still will be a good learning experience either way.
If your going in at 400 ppm and coming out 1500, i would not say its low in nutes. As the nutes break down in soil it alters the ph as well. The time release nutes will mess with you until the end im afraid.
Got it thanks Mate I might try a different soil in the next run then. I’ve read Canna Terra or TurboDirt could be good options not sure if u’ve heard of those?
Guys, just wanted to thank you for your respective advice! Looks like we are back on track. Have changed the soil as much as possible to Turbodirt and given a good feed. Run off PH is now back in acceptable zone ~6.9 at last watering, PPM was a bit high ~4,000 so will alternate nutrients and plain water moving forward I think. The plant looks to enjoy the new conditions!
Saw you mention soil first time grower here and I am starting off with fox farms it’s suppose to be soil meant for cannabis and is packed with nutrients so you wouldn’t have to worry about that for a few weeks into veg plant is recovering really well looks great
The four you see were planted in fox farm soil and were planted june 22 the one in the middle is my grandpas he used basic soil did this so he could see soil matters when it comes to growing quality bud