Overwater on my plant?


Hey just wondering if you guys think this could be a situation of over watering? I’ll include two pics one from yesterday, one taken right after I watered her and one from today 24hrs later it would appear the fingers on the leaves are drooping, they aren’t brittle or dry she has been drinking water more frequently as she just started flower so I am wondering if I over did it with her watering yesterday…
Temps 79 F, RH 53%, as of yesterday I lowered the light to bring the Par up from 500 to 600. Plant is 36 days old Gorilla cookies Auto. (The hole in the bottom leaf isn’t from pests or anything, I accidentally ripped that when pulling tie wire for LST)

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What medium are you growing in ?

I’m growing in 70% coco on the top, and the bottom 30 % is an organic super soil! I generally water lightly on top just, and more heavily on the bottom of the pot to keep the super soil alive and promote my root growth downward. Obviously i started water pretty much solely on top and gradually around the perimeter of the top soil to encourage root growth outward, then started bottom watering to pull roots down into the hot soil as she got older!

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I probably gave her about a liter of water yesterday and I say 1/4 liter of the water was on the top soil and the rest was bottom fed

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Coco needs to be watered daily, you shouldn’t really combine them indoors but to me it actually looks underwatered in the last picture

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Everyone has their own way lol plant looks good I’d say it needs water though


You think? I stuck my finger down about an inch and the soil was definitely still damp but she has been drinking water more frequently, as she went into flower. I just don’t wanna drown her if she is overwatered

Yea I thought she has been growing well, first time trying mixing coco and soil indoors, no sign of nutrient deficiency or anything

Do you think it would be safe to water then ? Should I give her a good soak? She doesn’t feel as light as normal when I water but if you think it’s under watered.

Oof, this is a tuffy. Organic super soil needs to stay damp, but not watered to liberal runoff. Coco on the other hand needs to be not jysr watered, but fed daily and to liberal runoff. So while one only needs to be watered a little bit, without added nutrients, one needs a lot of water daily, with that water being loaded with nutrients. Adding nutrients to super soil can cause a big increase in nutrient uotake.


Does the super soil have anything to improve drainage or aeration. Or too much compost. Is it mud. Wondering about root performance.

Besides that I agree w @ADK_Guerrila because droopy petioles, and with @Borderryan22 on watering, differing mediums.


It’s really a tough one like @Jaysittinback and @Borderryan22 said normally you water those two types of mediums completely different one you water/feed daily and the super soil you would water just before run off and let it dry back. Really it’s your call but I’d check the lower portion of the pot to see if it’s saturated.


The concern I see is coco likes a frequent fertigation schedule and soil likes a drench to drought routine. You could have roots in the coco struggling and roots in the soil getting what they need. It’s not recommended mixing these due to these 2 having very opposite feeding/watering routines. PH would be another concern with coco at 5.8-6.2 and soil at 6.3-6.8 :love_you_gesture:


As stated, thats more like a hybrid grow. Hard to assist on that. I will say this that will help. The leafs will sag if over or underwatered. BUT if they are overwatered, the stem is still somewhat straight, slight bend, if underwatered the stem will sag alot as well. Once u see what i mean, u will always know…


It has a lot of perlite mixed into the bottom layer of soil to help with drainage and the roots have been growing right through the bottom of the fabric pot !

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I ended up watering and it looks like yall were right she was underwatered she perked up and shot up massively a few inches over night, I wanted to get back to you guys with reply’s but since this is my first post ever I am only limited to a few replies a day!


I know it, but I wanted to try something different this go around and the results haven’t been to bad this was the first scare I have had, I usually bottom water heavily every other day to keep the super soil moist and top water (less water) on the coco everyday. There is a lot of perlite in the soil on the bottom to help assist with drainage! So far it has been working out quite nicely, the coco and added mykos I mixed in, helped the plant root quickly and brought the roots down the nutrient rich soil quickly!


Understood Growmie and I’ve had my share of trials and errors. Are you feeding with nutrients if so synthetic or top dressing organic amendments :love_you_gesture:


The bottom soil was jam packed with a bunch of different organic nutes, and I have been watching the ppm and feeding according with Gaia Green dry amendments 4-4-4 & 2-8-4 and organic worm castings! She hasn’t shown any sign of nute def and we are in week 5! Overall the soil has taken care of most of the feeding for me!

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