Organic soil growers mosh pit collective of peeps

Have you tried ordering what you need directly from COM? They are about 3 hours South of me, so I have never visited their storefront.

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As usual…right on time with this one. You seem to always answer my questions right as i am searching for my next thought. Are you psychic :rofl:…Thx again.

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thx Pat. I appreciate it. I have not made my mind up yet on the food. I like dry as I only grow 1 at a time and my liquid nutes will all expire soon and I am not even half way through the bottles.


You spelled it wrong…psycho haha


No, i did a little research where to order and some wanted a placement order of at least 3 bags and some wanted to charge for delivery. In the short research, i just came to the conclusion that my money would be safest if i just purchased from Amazon, plus free delivery. I will check into that though before i order. May save me a few bucks. Thanks.

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It is important to test your soil, I grow a crop of clover sometimes to boost Nitrogen.


I always test soil when I open a new bag. You cannot believe what they advertise anymore. Mistakes can and do happen. Better safe than sorry.


When you test soil what should one look for in organic growing??? Also what’s a good testing device/method???


I haven’t made the change yet, still have Ocean Forest left, but I open a bag and do a slurry test. Add my soil to a bowl and add my water with a minimum ppm of 350. Wait 48 hours and check the pH, looking for the magic 5.8-6.8 for cannabis friendly soils.


Ok got it… I thought maybe it was a test for what all was in the soil as far as nutes and such. Read that a little wrong but appreciate it growmie!!!




You can do a slurry test with a wet ph meter I’ve gone away from those and check soil PH before potting it and during the grow using a soil ph meter. Many say they don’t work but I’ve done testing and what many don’t realize is that the soil PH readings will vary based on how moist or dry the soil is. I did write up in my worm poo journal back in 2019.

This is what I use and have several of them to compare between the two.
My liquid PH and PPM meters are in a drawer
They mention something in write up about calibrating them but having used them a lot over the years I have no clue on how that’s done….

I just wipe off the shaft when done and use green scrub pad to remove any oxidation before next use.
They work.

Hope this helps


Appreciate it my friend!!!

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Every county in USA has a Cooperative Extension Service, who will gladly test your soil for you. They will provide very detailed printout of what is in your soil.


That’s a great tid bit :point_up: of information right there. Ive never even heard of such. Test your soil and a detailed printout. Wow! So where would i start to look for such a department? Water department maybe???

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Awesome. Thank you so much for that info!!! Much appreciated!!!


No. Not a city Water Department. Try the Cooperative Extension Service with your county.


@Budbrother knocking it out of the park again.
Thanks great info as always


I have been using recycled fox farms for my girls. I started out using pH perfect liquid nutes throughout the first outdoor grow. It was my first grow and I wasn’t terribly enthusiastic to use liquid nutes. Imho they are quickly available to the girls…and just as quickly gone. They are quite expensive as well.

I have been around fertilizers for 35 years, I have come to appreciate granular fertilizer for cost benefits, ease of use, and most importantly, technology has advanced to provide a variety of treatments to provide a range of availability to plants.

I am completing the first phase of my second grow, the autos are approaching harvest. I mixed my soil by taking 1 part previous grows soil, 1 part ocean forest, 2 parts happy frog. Mixed in Mykos, fish shit, recharge, handful of bone meal, and the kitchen sink. Mixed it all together, watered it, let it cook while germinating seeds.

I top dressed with Fox Farm all purpose organic fertilizer at about 3rd week of veg, top dressed again at early flower with FF fruit and flower organic fertilizer. I also have tossing earthworm casting occasionally for a little treat.

I treat the soil with mosquito bits tea for fungus gnat.

@PhatPat You should be able to find County extension through State Dept of Ag. In Mn, the Univ of Mn does the testing.


Im not in mn but thank you. This will give me a direction to start. I appreciate it.